Hi wrxtasy,
as requested I'm posting here my troubles with libreelec for odroid C2
I've just received my odroid today and I immediately installed libreelec on it.
First, I downloaded this release (LibreELEC-Odroid_C2_aarch64-7.0.2-Kodi-Jarvis-16.1.tar) and flashed the image onto the emmc module.
All went well and worked as expected.
After setting up my system I upgraded to the more recent build from earlier today - June 29th (LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.aarch64-7.0.2.use.Kry.Pulse8.tar).
HDMI-CEC is way better but I got an awful amount of horizontal tearing. It's like the screen is rendered in two unsynchronized halves.
I then reverted back to LibreELEC-Odroid_C2_aarch64-7.0.2-Kodi-Jarvis-16.1.tar and all is working as expected.
If you need anything to help pinpoint the origin of the issue, please let me know.