Open Elec 6.0.3 to Libre Elec 8.0

  • Hi all

    First post here in the hope that someone can point me in the right direction. I've made an apparently grave error in attempting this update. Upon rebooting I'm left with a black screen with only the mouse arrow showing. Obviously I immediately tried to revert back to Open Elec 6.0.3, only for the following message to appear when updating "Missing KERNEL or SYSTEM!".

    So now I'm stuck. I'm assuming my Intel Nuc (Celeron 847) doesn't have the requisite video drivers or something to cope with this latest version, but how I can I go back? Where can I find older stable versions?

    Any assistance appreciated, bearing in mind I'm a noob.

    Hold the phone. Hopefully this will help me: thread-206.html
    Okay, I'm successfully back to OpenElec 6.0.3 after much faffing about.

    For those interested, I think it was a matter of not having enough space on /storage. Using Chewitt's advice from thread-262.html, I was able to clear some space from the temp folder via SSH console.

    I'm still interested to know what went wrong originally though.

    Edited once, last by crashnz (March 11, 2017 at 2:31 AM).

  • Boxes with Sandy Bridge cpu/gpus should still work fine.
    Perhaps a fresh installation will give a better result.
    A testdrive via a bootable USB is one way to see if things work.

    Edited once, last by Klojum (March 11, 2017 at 3:27 AM).

  • For those interested, I think it was a matter of not having enough space on /storage.

    Deleting everything inside the thumbnails folder will give you more space without doing any harm.


    after deleting the thumbnails create a backup using OpenELEC backup/restore funtion, save your backup to a USB stick then like Klojum suggested, give a fresh installation a try and finally, restore using your saved backup file if needed.

    Edited once, last by vitorp07 (March 11, 2017 at 3:54 AM).

  • Final update on this saga. First had to increase the size of the boot drive - [Solved/Howto] OpenELEC - "size check failed" error.

    Then kept finding I was left with the black screen and mouse arrow after trying to update from openelec 7.0.1 to libreelec 8.0. That's when I found this: LibreELEC (Krypton) v8.0.0 RELEASE – LibreELEC

    Namely: "Update: We have seen reports of boxes getting stuck on the Krypton splash screen after updating. Removing /storage/.kodi/userdata/Databases/Addons27.db manually allows Kodi to complete migration but add-ons will need to be re-enabled afterwards. The bug has been reported to Kodi. Auto-update will not be available until the issue is resolved. If you do not experience the issue when updating, do not delete the Addons27.db file!"

    Having removed this file I was able to finally boot into libreelec 8.0 and kodi 17. Phew!

    Edited once, last by crashnz (March 12, 2017 at 7:52 AM).