Trouble with TVHeadend 4.2

  • Hello all,

    I replaced my Digital Devices S2 v7 card with a TT budget S2-4200 PCIe card, which is supported out of the box with the latest kernels.
    The hardware is recognized upon boot and firmware is loaded accordingly. So far so good.

    But now I am faced with massive access issues for plain TVHeadend. I was previously using TVH4.0 and do not remember that access was an issue. But I did not 2 fatory resets this morning just to make sure I am not doing something wrong here.

    What I did:
    1) factory reset, followed by the LE wizzard and some very basic intial settings in Kodi (language, timezone etc)
    3) install the TVheadend service
    4) connect to the TVH web interface and follow the next wizzard
    6) Network access:, (local network plus localhost to access from Kodi)
    5) Here, I create 2 users (tvhadmin and tvhuser) with very simple passwords
    6) Click on save, and I have to enter login credentials (tvhadmin, because I like to finish settings)
        Issue 1: I enter the login info, and I end in a loop where I have to enter the login data again and again.
    7) After several trials, I somehow make it into the TVH backend again. I cannot recognize a pattern. It is annoying.
    8) I have to restart the wizzard again and finish it successfully. (channel scan etc)
    9) When I now go to the EPG and click onto the "play" icon, a popup window opens and I am asked for login data again.
        Issue 2: I can enter any of the two logins above, I am trapped in an endless loop. I have not managed to see a live-tv picture.

    The third issue was the missing localhost access inside Kodi, but this one is solved now.

    How can I find out what is going wrong? -- Are there futher configuration steps required that I have to take?

    Thank you.


    Issue 4: When I try to log-off from the web interface, I end in the same loop and have to enter the password infinitely. :huh:

    Edited once, last by mzurhorst (March 9, 2017 at 2:23 PM).

  • Kind of amazing, but I now have a live-tv stream available in Kodi after 1-2 reboots.
    Don't know why this is happening now.
    Inside the TVH web-frontend, I still have these login loops and do not access to a live-tv image.

    But now I am directly wondering about the next issue. I go to the EPG in Kodi and select a stream.
    I expected to have a "recording" button from there, but I don't see any. Wasn't it there before?
    Even inside the TVH webfrontend, it is non-obvious how to plan a recording from the EPG page.

    What the f*ck is going on. This was all working intuitively before.
    It feels absolutely complex. ??

  • Is there noone with similar issues? - I don't get TVheadend working.

    I am wondering why I don't have a button in the EPG to schedule a recording of TV show. Shoulnd't that be possible from the TVH backend?
    --- I have manually created the directory /storage/recordings. Which permissions do I have to assign to make this working for TVH?

    Thank you.


  • I made some progress: the recording button from within TVheadend is now availabe.
    This seems to be related to settings in the user access tab. I enabled all checkboxes for DVR profiles, streaming profiles the DVR views, and this brought the desired recording button.

    Still, I cannot play live-tv or a recording from within the TVH backend.

  • Hey, are you still having problems? I have been using Tvheadend for a while now and maybe I could help. First thing, please make sure you have Expert settings showing in Tvheadend web interface. This is under Configuration, General, Base, fourth line says "User interface level:", in the drop down box it should be "Expert". Once you make sure this is selected then let's see if I can help you.

    First, for the login loops, this is most likely to related to the user access tab. There should be a superuser (master admin user). I think I created mine when building/compiling Tvheadend or maybe I created one during the initial setup. I can't remember but this user does not show up in the list of users so you will not see its username. Anyway, you should always be able to log in with this username and password, no matter what the user access tab has listed in terms of users. This username and password is located in /tvheadend/superuser folder on your LibreELEC machine (check in .kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42 or something like that).

    Second, for the login loops, once you log in with the superuser, make sure your tvhadmin user is correctly set up with permissions and allowed IP addresses. I can send you screenshots of my settings if you are still having problems. Make sure Enable, Admin, Web interface, are all checked in the admin user Edit Access Entry dialog.

    Edited once, last by pajtaz (March 21, 2017 at 3:09 PM).

  • Hello jajtaz, helllo all,

    thanks for your help.
    I have indeed still these issues. (mostly because I did not use the box a lot recently)

    But I made some progress. Recent status is:
    1) TVheadend itself seems to work. I am accessing it with an Android client and I can create timers etc.
    2) A recording is also streamed to my cell phone, but I cannot scroll forward in the stream.
    I was reading that switching from .ts (=pass) format to .mkv file format might solve this issue. The next recording is scheduled to verify.
    3) Playback of live tv or recordings is not possible in Firefox. I still have the above issue with the login loop.
    4) Regarding the "super admin" that you mentioned, I am not aware that some exists. I was also not reading about this somewhere.
    By default, TVH does not have any user defined. Which means, everybody has access to everything. What I have not tried yet is not defining users and check whether this solves the access topic.
    5) All the check boxes for the admin are enabled. I am pretty sure this is correct. But I can x-check when you provide a screenshot.

    Is the playback from the TVH webinterface working for all of you?

    Thank you.
    Kind regards,

  • Marcus,

    I am almost positive you have problems with admin user settings. The constant login loop is a problem if you do not have necessary rights. Also, sometimes clearing the cache helps but if after that you are still having problems with login loops then it is your user settings.

    2) If you are playing recordings from Tvheadend in VLC player on Android phone, it does not allow forwarding (or going back). It is a limitation of the VLC on Android with these streams. I have the same problem. Maybe it can be fixed using a different format for recording. I only tried with TS so I don't know if it will work with MKV.
    3) I do not have a problem with playback in Firefox. I use VLC and if I go to Configuration -> Channel / EPG then click play on any channel, I can play the stream without any login problems. I logged in as the admin user I created.
    4) There is definitely a "super admin". I am not sure what it is for Tvheadend in LibreELEC. I created one when I compiled my own Tvheadend. I had to run configuration command that allowed me to create username and password for this user. With this user you can do everything and there should never be any problems with login loops.
    5) Attached is the screenshot of my admin user settings.

    Yes, the playback from web interface works for me without a problem.

    So, in order to fix your issue with login loops, you must have your admin user configured correctly. Take a look at my screenshot. It is not only important to have the correct check boxes but also that all other settings related to what is allowed for user to do are correctly set. Play with those settings until you get no more login loops. Also, see if you can find out what the super user name and password are. Check the folder I mentioned in my previous post.

  • Hello pajtaz,

    sorry for the delay, I was travelling recently.
    Yes, it seems to be fixed now. There were no checkboxes missing, but I saw that I had to select the profiles for recording and playback in the user settings.
    The .mkv format allows for scrolling in the recording. This is also great.

    So, the next stop on my journey will be a slim channel setup. I found 1200+ stations on Astra 19.2E, but I guess I would need maybe 20-30 only.
    It seems a bit painful to sort this compared to the VDR channel.conf file.

    Once more, thank you for your patient support!
