[LE Settings addon] updates.php

  • Code for the update back end is not public and for several reasons there are no current plans to change that. If you'd like to explain your interest in more detail we may be able to answer questions.

  • Code for the update back end is not public and for several reasons there are no current plans to change that. If you'd like to explain your interest in more detail we may be able to answer questions.

    Ok I get that.
    I would like to know how the reply from this file is constructed so I can do my own implementation to auto-update a custom distribution.
    I have already set up the releases server with the releases.json file.
    I don't need the other code you may have for your internal needs ;)

    EDIT: Well, if I'm not mistaken the reply is something like:

    {"data": {"folder": "releases", "update": "LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0.0.tar"}}

    Edited once, last by ozolli (March 8, 2017 at 3:59 PM).