RUPA M8S PRO slow boot with [8.0.0d] LibreELEC 8.0

  • Hi guys! First of all, thank you for an amazing job! :)

    I have a Rupa M8S Pro S905 box. I dowloaded [8.0.0d] LibreELEC 8.0 software and a tree via Rufus to a SD Card. I then used Android Terminal to boot into recovery mode.

    But after the box is powered on it takes around 10 minutes before the LibreElec logo shows up and its starts to boot. Anyone no what the problem is? When it has started its works just fine but everytime i reboot the box it takes another 10 minutes for the Libre Elec to boot. Just a black screen before that. Really weird.

    I tried to use a USB disk instead and even other SD cards. (All Class 10) but with the same result. Should i try to put it in the NAND memory maybe?? :s

    Edited once, last by robswede88 (March 6, 2017 at 5:28 PM).