Addons, xbmc, LibreElec

  • I'm converting over from OpenElec to LibreElec on a Pi2. I'm looking for info on how plugins have changed. I have a plugin service that maps Tivo Remote buttons to Kodi commands OR sends commands to other devices like the AVR, BlueRay, Amazon Fire etc. It stopped working when I jumped to LibreElec. Is there info somewhere on what has to change in the addon python code?

    I get errors on "import xbmc". Changed that to "import kodi". That worked, but the next line "import xbmcgui" and then "import xbmcaddon" fail. Do I change all references to XBMC over to kodi?


    -- Cayford

  • "probably" .. but I'd suggest you have a search in the code of add-ons in the Kodi add-on repo. Finding prior art from other add-on creators is usually more instructive than asking Q's to the wrong audience. In the LE forum you'll find people with expertise in the OS that runs the app, but we're not experts in the plugins that run in the app.