Geniatech T230c Tuner install advice

  • Hi people

    I've been trying to set up the above tuner with LibreELEC 7.0.2 which I was hoping would work out of the box.

    I can see from dmesg that i dont have the right firmware in the folder

    I've got downloaded the firmwares -

    but i cannot get them into the firmware folder. Using WinSCP i get the error below
    "General failure (server should provide error description).
    Error code: 4
    Error message from server: Failure"

    Using LibreELEC in-house file manager I get
    "Failed to copy at least one file. Check the log for more information about this message. Operation was aborted."

    It seems theres a restrictions somewhere in the firmware folder, how do I get around it?

    Help very much appreciated!


  • Great little tuner good picture quality. Nice HD recordings no encryption. This is ideal for FreeView. For FreeSAT the Gianatech HD Star unit (around £34) will co-exist with a DVB-T / DVB-T2 stick so you can mix Freeview and FreeSAT. If you have the Rev3 board in the HD Star (e.g a new unit made in 2015-2017 you need LE Beta 3 as this had the Rev3 support built in.

    Can you give us more information about it?

    Its a USB TV tuner so you can watch Live TV in Kodi the stick in question is a DVB-T2 which is what you need for FreeView HD in the UK.
    The server is called TVHeadend (part of LE) and the client is also part of LE both are turned OFF by default. There are also USB tuners for SAT.
    I've a range of these tuners running on LE on Rasberry Pi.

    Edited once, last by frownbreaker (March 12, 2017 at 12:45 PM).