rt2800usb driver unstable on odroid c2

  • Hallo,
    I have a problem with a Ralink 5572 wlan usb dongle on the C2. Connection seems alright at first but is lost at some point showing a dmesg message:


    I have to reinsert the stick or restart the C2 than to get the connection back.
    Some google work on the topic revealed that it seems to be a bug in the driver that seems to be resolved in kernel 3.15.
    Is there any hope 3.15. can be implemented in C2 libreelec soon? Anyone knows a workaround until that?

    Thanks in advance!!!

  • Many posts realated to the topic suggests that this is a firmware issue for all devices running on rt2800usb which is supplied by the file


    Version in libreelec 8.0.0 is version: 0.29 which is pretty old. I made a testrun on my arch linux where version: 0.36 is supplied. The device seems to run stable and smooth there. Problem is that I can't just replace the file as /usr/ is read only in libreelec. Is there a way to make it rw temporary?
    Could developers please update firmware for this device on next release?
    I guess more people could run into that problem as RT5572 is 1 of 4 wifi devices officially supported by odroid.

  • I follwed this guide squashfs howto - make changes the read-only filesystem in OpenELEC - andreierdei trying to integrate the new firmware into the SYSTEM, unfortunately the update I created won't boot for some reason.
    Is the logic changed here compared to openelec? I also tried thelzo comp as mentioned for the RP, same result. As I was unable to find a working squashfstools package inside libreelec I created the image on my laptop using arch liunx.
    I'd really like to test if the updated firmware would resolve the issue. So if anyone knows how to do that, help is appreciated!

    Edited once, last by loki279 (March 2, 2017 at 11:45 AM).

  • I managed to load new firmware, just by placing it in /storage/.config/firmware

    Unfortunately the connection is still unstable, Especially under load (streaming HD) it eventually breaks down and cannot be reseted in running OS.