Newb with some questions before I try it.

  • First let me give the reason I am even considering using Libreelec.

    The last version of kodi to NOT use the most recent android sound library is SPMC 16.4.2 and I am sort of stuck, using that version.

    By using the latest sound library, they have made it so that if I am streaming online radio and the android alarm kicks in, instead of the 2 sounds playing at the same time, kodi halts play of the stream.

    My first question is, the only way I can think of to get around this is to run libreelec and setup a cron to aplay for the alarm.

    Will a kodi stream continue to play if an aplay kicks in?
    My second question is about audio outputs. I have 2 android TV box setups with the same model TV box. Both have the usual HDMI sound output to the TV and both have an optical SPDIF output port.

    On one box, I want to use the HDMI as usual, but the other I want the HDMI turned off and only the optical SPDIF to be running. (the HDMI can not be outputting sound at all.)

    Can I do this?
    My last question is, I am currently using a android control app on a tablet to control these android TV boxes, but I must admit I never used these TV boxes for anything but kodi.

    Does the libreelec kodi respond to kodi's own "kore" which would be a perfect solution?
    Last thing is, thanks for putting up with newb questions. :angel:

  • I should have added that if aplay is not an option is there some other sound playing CLI that is part of the standard libreelec distribution? Maybe mpg123 or ogg123?

  • I guess I am out of luck, other than to ask for a feature of adding a CLI sound player that will use pulseaudio into the distribution?

    I am pretty sure pulseaudio does not have its own packaged CLI sound player, unless there is some way of routing raw sound data to a device directly.

    • Official Post

    The problem isn't the player. The problem is that kodi will hold onto the alsa sink while it is playing something. You would have to force kodi to us pulseaudio and then use paplay to play audio over the same sink.