No remote on MacMini after upgrade to 8.0.0

  • Hello,

    I previously post on another topic thinking that maybe i have same issue but seems not the case so i create one that is specific for my case.

    After the upgrade (i try also a fresh upgrade) the remote is not detected by my mac mini.
    If i rollback it start working without any issue.

    Look like that it'ìs not loded/detected:

    LibreELEC (official) Version: 8.0.0
    Lemini:~ # ir-keytable
    /sys/class/rc/: No such file or directory
    Lemini:~ # cd /dev/input/
    Lemini:/dev/input # ls
    event0 event1 event2 event3 event4 event5 mice

    But looking into the HW looklike that it's detected. Strange in any case here some logs:

    dmesg | paste -> hFFQ
    journalctl -a | paste -> gKfO
    lsmod | paste -> Jgbb

    Not sure that can help here from hardware.log the detail of the IR interface:

    Then last detail:

    Website state that: Mac mini (Early 2009)Macmini3,1MM31.0081.B06 (EFI 1.2)
    from the log i get:

    [    0.000000] efi: EFI v1.10 by Apple
    [    0.000000] efi:  ACPI=0x7feee000  ACPI 2.0=0x7feee014  SMBIOS=0x7fec6000 
    [    0.000000] SMBIOS 2.4 present.
    [    0.000000] DMI: Apple Inc. Macmini3,1/Mac-F22C86C8, BIOS     MM31.88Z.00AD.B00.0907171535 07/17/09

    so seems that i have an old version of EFI, not sure that it's relevant (cause was working on 7.x) but if I have i can try to reinstall OsX and upgrade all.

    tnx in advance if someone can help me.

    Edited once, last by zemaree (February 27, 2017 at 11:52 PM).

  • Code
    Feb 25 19:27:26 Lemini systemd[1]: Started ATV client remote support.

    ^^ journal shows the atvclient driver being started, but lsmod doesn't show the module loaded. If you type 'atvclient' from the console do you then see any output from button keypresses? - btw, atvclient doesn't tie into the normal ir-keytable stuff. At some point it should be replaced by a more standard lirc arrangement.

  • Code
    Feb 25 19:27:26 Lemini systemd[1]: Started ATV client remote support.

    ^^ journal shows the atvclient driver being started, but lsmod doesn't show the module loaded. If you type 'atvclient' from the console do you then see any output from button keypresses? - btw, atvclient doesn't tie into the normal ir-keytable stuff. At some point it should be replaced by a more standard lirc arrangement.


    tnx for the support.

    Using username "root".
    #                 LibreELEC                  #
    #               #
    LibreELEC (official) Version: 8.0.0
    Lemini:~ # atvclient
    error claiming interface, are you root?


    btw, atvclient doesn't tie into the normal ir-keytable stuff

    it's something that i have to do? how?

    i did some research and seems that i have to use -m option, soi i checked the file with atvclient:

    so seems configured in the right way... meh...

    Edited once, last by zemaree (March 4, 2017 at 11:21 AM).

  • Just wanted to report that I am having the exact same issues with the same reports reported here with my 2009 Mac Mini. No issues on official 7.x builds (never used beta/alphas)

  • Hi again

    just to share that I reinstalled OSX anche check for FW upgrade.

    The procedure exit stating that i'm already on the newest version. So also this point can be removed from the check list.

  • I'm having a similar problem with older Mac Mini

    Just upgraded to 8.0.1 from 7.0.2. In 7.0.2 atvcilent worked perfectly, and perfectly for years with Openelec.

    In 8.0.1, atvclient loads at startup but pushes one of my cores to 100% and doesn't respond. When I kill it and restart it manually from shell, it again pegs a core at 100%, and doesn't show any commands received. With -d I get a loop of Got nuffing: -5.

    dmesg: cTci
    journalctl -a: KPVK
    lsmod: VPaJ

    Chewitt, you, I, and a whole bunch of other people went through a similar exercise a few years ago with OpenElec. Reading my post from back then, the symptoms seem identical. See here: OpenELEC Mediacenter - OpenELEC Forum - Apple Mac Mini and Apple Remote not working (3/3)

    I tried an older atvclient binary from a previous version and it loads OK and reads the remote key presses fine. It just doesn't communicate them to Kodi.

    I've been looking at the changes you made in GitHub and can't really see why it wouldn't load up right compared to the old version. Seems like the only thing you changed is how commands are sent to Kodi. But I"m no programmer. Something weird is clearly happening since atvclient won't even start up stable.

    Thanks for helping.

    Edited once, last by triminmotion (March 26, 2017 at 9:10 AM).

  • Wanted to send an update on this.

    I've temporarily (?) fixed this by taking a hint from the OpenElec thread referenced above that we worked on 3 years ago.

    I have the 05ac:8240 IR receiver. In order to fix the problem, just like in the OpenElec thread, I changed line 857 in atvclient.cpp to 0x83 instead of 0x82, recompiled, and voila, it works. atvclient loads up perfectly, doesn't get stuck in the Got nuffing CPU hog loop, and passes commands to Kodi perfectly.

    It doesn't look like the 0x83 fix ever made it into Evinyatar's Git repository, even 3 years ago, so makes me wonder how all the updates over that time have managed to work...

    But it would be nice to get this nailed down so people with the 05ac:8240's don't need to use a custom one-off atvclient.

    Let me know how I can help.

  • Do you think that you can help me in compiling the binary or share it (compiled) and where to put on the system?

    Will be really appreciated

    tnx :)