user Lircmap.xml not working

  • Hi,

    I want to customize my remote and add additional buttons but my configuration does not work.
    I'm running libreELEC 8.0.0 and my remote uses the default configuration for devinput.
    The shell command irw gives me the button names for every remote button:
    For example:

    69 0 KEY_LEFT devinput
    6c 0 KEY_DOWN devinput
    1c 0 KEY_ENTER devinput
    18b 0 KEY_LIST devinput
    8d 0 KEY_SETUP devinput
    177 0 KEY_SCREEN devinput
    176 0 KEY_KEYBOARD devinput
    b0 0 KEY_EDIT devinput
    e3 0 KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE devinput

    So I created /storage/.kodi/userdata/Lircmap.xml containing

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    and /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml containing

    New actions for buttons that are already defined in default configurationxbmc/Lircmap.xml at master · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub for devinput (like buttons for red, green, blue...) are working with new actions. All buttons not defined by default but defined in my Lircmap.xml are not working.
    Any ideas what's wrong? Is the path /storage/.kodi/userdata/Lircmap.xml correct? Where can I enable some more logs for lirc for deeper debugging?


  • First, modify the <remote> tag in your Lircmap.xml to read <remote device="devinput">

    Also, some of the command names you're using such as <processinfo>, <fullscreen> probably won't work. Those names have to be known to kodi internally. Otherwise, you'll get an error like "ERROR: Remote Translator: Can't find button processinfo". Pick from among the ones listed in /usr/share/kodi/system/Lircmap.xml. You can then make them do whatever you want in your remote.xml file.

    Hope that helps.