Chorus 2.4.2 - Text Input field won't pop up

  • Hey! I recently switched from OSMC (OSMC_TGT_rbp1_20170210.img.gz) for Pi Zero to LibreELEC (LibreELEC-RPi.arm-8.0.0.img.gz).
    The latest version of LibreELEC won't allow me to use my keyboard in chorus2 (webinterface). Unter OSMC the text input field automatically poped up.
    Address: - Remote control enabled in settings - Chorus 2.4.2
    Should I create a ticket for this on GitHub? If yes, for xbmc/chorus2 or LibreELEC/

    EDIT: Fixed it by reenabling the webinterface option. off/on > working!
    Plus disabling adblock! :D :D:D

    Edited once, last by HaselnuesseTo (February 24, 2017 at 4:41 PM).

  • Hey! I recently switched from OSMC (OSMC_TGT_rbp1_20170210.img.gz) for Pi Zero to LibreELEC (LibreELEC-RPi.arm-8.0.0.img.gz).
    The latest version of LibreELEC won't allow me to use my keyboard in chorus2 (webinterface). Unter OSMC the text input field automatically poped up.
    Address: - Remote control enabled in settings - Chorus 2.4.2
    Should I create a ticket for this on GitHub? If yes, for xbmc/chorus2 or LibreELEC/

    EDIT: Fixed it by reenabling the webinterface option. off/on > working!
    Plus disabling adblock! :D :D:D

    I have the same issue but disabling adblock and disable/enable control over http didn't help. (using LibreELEC 8.0.0 for RPi2.arm). When I try control kodi on my pc over http - it works without issues.