I have a question about amlogic images for booting from SD. Is the image different then those to flash your firmware.
I tried to boot a regular image (for flashing) from SD, so not the sd-images from Kszaq or Balbes150. I get the kernel booting, but then it complaints about the the fact the 2nd partition is corrupted and it needs to do a chkfs, what doesn't work as the filesystem is read only. I tried with different sd cards even a new one and it's all the same. My filesystem is fat16 for the BOOT partition and ext4 for the DISK partition. If I do the md5sum check, the md5sum is correct.
I checked Balbes sources on github and don't see any differences in the mkimage script, or it should be another script that I don't know. I build the sources using 'make amlpkg', or should I use 'make image'? According me it shouldn't be different or does it?
My s805_autoscript works as if I leave the disk=LABEL=DISK away, the kernel boots and then complaints about not finding the 2nd partition. With the disk=LABEL=DISK, it does find the 2nd partition (mmvblk0p2) and complaints about the fact the filesystem is corrupted.
The only thing I assume can be the problem is the fact I copy the s805_autoscript to the sd-card after burning the image to it.