So I did a search and the words TIVO Slide don't appear in any post I can find using the built in search or search engine.
Mostly this remote works great, but there are a couple of things I haven't been able to do mainly around getting the other buttons to work, things like the info button and the select button in the middle of the dpad when it's slid open. I followed the directions on this site: TiVo Slide - Official Kodi Wiki
and put the file 95-tivoslide.hwdb in /etc/.config/hwdb.d
This is my file:
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c0041=enter #SELECT
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c0046=backspace #BACK
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c006d=f3 #ZOOM
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c006c=f4 #A (YELLOW)
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c006b=f5 #B (BLUE)
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c0069=f6 #C (RED)
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c006a=f7 #D (GREEN)
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c008d=home #GUIDE
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c009c=pageup #CHUP
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c009d=pagedown #CHDN
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c00b3=fastforward #FASTFORWARD
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c00b4=rewind #REWIND
KEYBOARD_KEY_0000C00b1=playpause #PAUSE
KEYBOARD_KEY_000c00f5=stopcd #SLOW
KEYBOARD_KEY_ffff003d=tab #TiVo
KEYBOARD_KEY_ffff003e=o # Live TV
KEYBOARD_KEY_ffff0041=pagedown # Thumbs Down
KEYBOARD_KEY_ffff0042=pageup # Thumbs Up
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I also made a copy of this called 99-tivoslide.hwdb then I created the file 95-keymap.rules and 99-keymap.rules with this content
SUBSYSTEM=="input", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="150a", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="1203", RUN+="/lib/udev/keymap $name /etc/udev/hwdb.d/99-tivoslide.hwdb"
Then I ran the command
and still these key's don't work any thoughts?
thank you,