[Solved] Sources not shown after openelec to LibreElec migration and update

  • Hi,
    coming from OpenElec 7, I've migrated to libreElec 7 and then updated to LibreElec 8.
    Everything seems to work correctly but:
    I can't see my sources, even if doing library update is running fine (new movies or TV shows are seen!).
    If I remember well, in previous version (openelec of course for me) going to video/files list all sources and showing menu permit to change settings (scrapper, location, ...).

    So, where can I see my sources in last version of LibreElec ?
    I've seen that there is a location certainly for that in Settings/Media-Library. If I set my sources at this place, what about "dual" setting with my old not shown sources?

    Thanks in advance for yours lightning.

    Edited once, last by elplubio (February 18, 2017 at 8:39 PM).

  • I think your best bet is to delete your original settings and re-add them again.
    Not ideal but at least you'll have a clean library.

    Ok, but where are store my original settings concerning sources ? (in source.xml, I've just infos related to an Add-ons)

  • Sources are stored in sources.xml as well as in the video database itself.

    Ok, so actual scan are done certainly with database infos as nothing is in my sources.xml file.
    After checking Database, I've found that these infos are on table 'path'

    Thanks all for these useful infos