A/V Sync Method PLL on LE 7.95.3

  • Hi,

    so I upgraded my Pi3 from Jarvis to Kryton (7.95.3) Dirty this week. I came to rely on the 2 Features "adjust display refresh rate to match video" and "sync playback to display" in Combination with Adjust PLL set to "Max" in System Settings. I've used that combination on Jarvis and it was great, the "err" Value moved slowly to 0 and stayed there, exactly like it was described here OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi Part 3 (Kodi 14.0)

    On Krypton it does work but I'm noticing a lot more fluctuation, the A/V needs a few Seconds to get in Sync but has to be adjusted far more often because it will drop to -80ms or something like that randomly. Did this change somehow in any way?

  • Krypton has experienced major VideoPlayer changes since Jarvis, and more will come in Leia. Old tricks may not be [as] applicable.

    What does that mean in laymans terms? I know in the past the Pll Adjustment was the best method for the Pi since resampling would decrease quality (a bit).
    Is this just cosmetical (shown in the Info Overlay) or is it not advised to run it like that if it gets out of sync more often? I don't seem to have any problems with that setup for now, I just noticed the Spikes.

    Also if you say old tricks, are there any new one [emoji1]
    Thanks for taking the time :)

    Edited once, last by Dmx (February 18, 2017 at 9:04 AM).