LAN Access Only

  • Hello,

    I'd just like to know if it's possible to set LibreElec so that it will not go to the internet to get meta data etc. ?

    I'm afraid that after Widows 10 came out riddled with spyware (a.k.a. telemetry) I am paranoid about sending data out to *ANY* third party on the internet (Windows 10 devices are banned altogether from my home network and Windows 7 & 8 devices only get access to the guest LAN where the password is changed each day). I value my privacy and do not want my devices reporting what I'm listening to etc. to third parties !!!

    So having had a quick look at LibreElec on my pi I would love to use, but as a local LAN media player only. I do not want it going to the internet for cover art, IMDB data or anything else under any circumstances. By going off to get such data it's effectively tracking what I'm doing. *DO NOT WANT* :)

    I'd therefore love to know if there's a global setting that sets it to local LAN access only ? Obviously I can set up a firewall rule to prevent the raspberry Pi from accessing the 'net but this would make downloading updates etc. inconvenient.

    If there isn't such a global setting please could it be considered for a future release ?


  • Just give your device a static IP and don't enter a gateway. So everything which needs an internet connection doesn't even know where it should go and, for the fact, that your device has an IP address, it should be reachable over the local network, IIRC

  • Nothing in Kodi polls/checks for metadata unless you scrape content to the library or install certain add-ons, so a) don't scrape anything, b) you can disable any of the embedded scraper services from within Kodi, c) don't install those add-ons, d) stop doing the presumably illegal things that would raise concerns about being tracked. Having a normal networking config (e.g. with gateway) allows NTP to work so the system clock is accurate (an issue on pi which has no RTC) and harmless services like the Yahoo weather to update GUI icons.

  • d) stop doing the presumably illegal things that would raise concerns about being tracked.

    Thanks for the replies but d) is rather insulting (to say the least)

    My media collection consists mainly of home recorded/written/produced music and video I've created myself. i.e. I *OWN* the copyright for all such media Apart from that I've also got files created from DVDs I've *BOUGHT* and ripped and CD's I've *BOUGHT* and ripped. Which comes under the terms of fair use. I don't bother with downloaded music because it's mostly posted in crappy MP3 format (I use FLAC for all my files). Similarly I have zero interest in most "Hollywood" type medai beacuse quite frankly it's crap.

    Don't judge other people by your own standards.

    Not wanting to be tracked is simply a matter of privacy.

    Edited once, last by ramjet (June 12, 2016 at 1:07 PM).

  • Get another Pi and use it as a Pi-Hole, I'd say?

    Also, you could just have your router block any WAN requests from your LibreELEC setup(s). That's what I'd do for smart TV's etc.