scripts/get is broken on arch linux

  • Hello,

    On Arch linux, we need to edit the scripts/get.
    The faulty stuff was "md5sum -t" I replaced it with "md5sum" and the build continue correctly.
    Otherwise if fails with a:

    I put a lot of debug string in the script to found this, it was not easy to pinpoint such problem.

  • How is it broken? "md5sum -t" tells md5sum to read the file in text mode, are you saying "-t" isn't supported by Arch, or that the "-t" option isn't working in Arch? Either way this sounds like an Arch issue... unless it's something else...

  • How is it broken? "md5sum -t" tells md5sum to read the file in text mode, are you saying "-t" isn't supported by Arch, or that the "-t" option isn't working in Arch? Either way this sounds like an Arch issue... unless it's something else...

    He, it's really weird yes. Because man md5sum shows this option, when using it in comandline, there is not error, but during the build it failed.

  • I put a lot of debug string in the build, and I found that the faulty one was md5sum. I'm sure of it...

    Edit scripts/get and put "set -x" at the top

    then call the script directly

    PROJECT=<someproject> ARCH=<somearch> ./scripts/get configtools

    then post the output here