7.95.1 & 7.95.2 -- HDMI sound dropouts with CuBox

  • With both LE 7.95.1 and 7.95.2 on a CuBox-i2eX using HDMI to a Yamaha receiver, set up with pass-through for all audio formats, the soundtrack for a movie cuts out for about a second every 4-8 seconds. Audio is fine for music playback (even multi-channel PCM audio) through that same HDMI connection.

    Has anyone else observed this. Are there any logs that would help with diagnosis? (I'm an experienced Linux user, just not that familiar with Kodi.)

    The same CuBox plays movies with DTS and TruHD audio fine (the same files, actually) with the last released OpenELEC.
    Hmm... the 7.95.2 instance was under a network load (doing a scan) when the audio cut-outs were happening. With the scan concluded, playback seems to be normal. (I guess I'll have to watch a movie to make sure :)

    The cutouts that were happening earlier with 7.95.1 were in the absence of any other activity (at least to me knowledge). Those drop-outs caused me to go back to OE for a bit.


    Hmm... the 7.95.2 instance was under a network load (doing a scan) when the audio cut-outs were happening. With the scan concluded, playback seems to be normal.

    Unfortunately, playback still isn't normal.

    It does seem somewhat sensitive to load (even though onscreen debug information doesn't show either CPU core very heavily loaded) -- moving the mouse to activate controls seems to be able to trigger a momentary drop-out.

    Any thoughts (logs to capture or other settings to try)?


    Edited once, last by mlovell (February 4, 2017 at 1:24 AM).