Porting a PKG from v8 to v7 ? no make file found

  • This is probably something stupid on my side, I tried searching the forum with no luck, so apologize if this has already been resolved.

    I am trying to port several package.mk from a v8 build to a v7 build, most of the packages worked fine with minor modification, but this one in particular is giving me the error:

    make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop

    The package downloads the sources correctly and in fact if I cd to that directory and run:

    cmake .

    It compiles perfectly fine.

    The problem seems to be that cmake is not getting run before the make.

    I tried modifying the package by adding this:

    make_target() {
    cd $PKG_BUILD
    cmake .

    Now when I do that it seems that is going to work but it trows a lot of other errors about paths not found.
    I spent a good few hours on google and in this forum trying to look for an answer before I posted here, but with no luck.

    So my question is, how can I correctly invoke cmake for a package? is there an example package that uses cmake I can see and compare it to?

    Just in case you need to know what package I am trying to compile is emulationstation and it compiles without a problem on a v8 build.


    EDIT: It seems it all boils down to the "config/path" file if I put the path file from v8 that specific package builds correctly but all the others fail, I am going to keep digging around, but any help is still greatly appreciated.

    Edited once, last by niabi (February 1, 2017 at 9:25 PM).