Live-TV LibreELEC (Krypton) v7.90.001 ALPHA

  • Hi all,

    just installed LibreELEC v7.90.001 ALPHA on a rasberry pi 2.
    Besides, I have a tvheadend server (git, 4.1.r2104) running on an arch linux system (3.10.96-2). The service works fine on LibreELEC v7.0.1 as well as on OpenELEC.

    The Problem: LibreELEC v7.90.001 does not provide an option to enable live TV.

    On v7.0.1 it looks like

    and on v.7.90.001 it looks like

    -- no option to activate live tv.
    Note: I installed and configured tvheadend PVR client.

  • The enable option for live tv has gone in Krypton.
    If you install and enable a PVR add-on it will be enabled.
    If no PVR add-ons are enabled it is disabled.

    I configured and enabled tvheadend PVR client. Should there be a 'TV' item on the main page?