Mounting /storage on NFS from cmdline.txt

  • If you just change the "disk" value it will work, don't touch the "boot" value


    Didn't work. My cmdline.txt is:

    boot=UUID=A5AD-A5ED disk=NFS= quiet

    (boot field unchanged) When I tried to restart, it just said it couldn't boot from that. When I try executing:

    sudo mount -t nfs nfsclient/

    on Ubuntu or even the Raspbian server that is, they run fine.

  • I just went and asked the Raspberry Pi guys about this and got this answer:


    You also need the ntfs-3g driver built into their Linux kernel or as a kernel module to support mounting NTFS.

    Does that give any more insight into what the problem is? The guy went onto say that the mount command is non-standard and that it must be a LibreELEC script managing it.

  • That's what I said. Then the other guy said:


    Same answer as before, NFS or NTFS your mount command is non-standard so there's probably some funky LibreElec script doing it.

    So they seem confident that ntfs-3g is necessary for this. In any case, I'm told very little about why it fails when I start, and I wouldn't know where to go to find more.

  • No. Ntfs-3g is used for mounting ntfs partitions (windows partitions) into linux user space. It has nothing to do with NFS.

    If you really want to debug then you will want to add the "break=load_splash " to the kernel arguments in the bootloader. This will drop you to a shell where you can mount the /storage partition manually and see what is happening.

    You can see how the init works here. at master · LibreELEC/ · GitHub

  • That definitely had an effect, but now it just froze the Pi w/a blank screen. Attempts to ssh in were just met w/"Connection refused". This was still w/the "break=load_splash" btw. Could this be related to the root problems I mentioned earlier, where a successfully mounted NFS couldn't act as root?
    If doing it through were a long-term workaround, it would present difficulties as I need a static IP to locate the Pi. My router's server is supposed to be able to assign specified addresses to specified MAC addresses, but it doesn't seem to work.

  • Same problem: black screen, nothing going on. I wouldn't swear on my life that all the parameters are right, though:

    root=UUID=A5AD-A5ED disk=NFS= break=load_splash quiet ip=

    For instance, there shouldn't have been any need to give the gateway since the NFS server is on the same subnet, but I didn't know what else to know.

  • Very well,

    root=UUID=A5AD-A5ED disk=NFS= break=load_splash debugging ip=

    That got me my shell, and it then let me mount the NFS from the command-line. So I've managed to get that far. How do I go about turning that into something that will mount on startup?