Unable to build - Some source packages won't download

  • Good afternoon,

    I'm doing a daily build of LibreELEC and it was working fine but over the last day or two, it looks like my build process is encountering a problem downloading source tarballs from sources.libreelec.tv. It seems that the server is either down or not responding. I thought that maybe something had changed in the source tree and for some reason, my "git pull" wasn't fetching it so I started from a clean source directory to eliminate that possibility but this hasn't helped. I've also checked that the DNS is able to resolve the name to an IP and it does.

    Has anyone else encountered this problem? Anyone know how to get around this (minor) issue?


    Edited once, last by PRochefort (January 27, 2017 at 6:53 PM).

  • vpeter,

    As always, thank you for taking the time. This is by no means urgent, I can live a few days with the build I have right now. :)
    I just routinely compile it every night and noticed that it had stopped for some reason and decided to look into it.

    Have a great weekend.

  • The server that is down is our mirror for packages that are otherwise unreachable. It's just a brief outage till we sort things out.

    Sure, however there seem to be packages that only reside on your mirror server (plymouth-lite-0.6.0.tar.bz2) so there is no fall-back.

    good luck sorting out the issue.

  • Are you saying you download same sources every day?


    Sorry about the long delays in getting back to you.
    No, it's just that from time to time, I clean out the source tree to build from a clean source tree to remove old stuff that shouldn't be there anymore. I guess that I cleaned out the tree at the wrong time. It's working great now. (It may be overkill on my part to wipe the tree and rebuild it all - I'm not the be all and end all of software development, it's more of a hobby than anything)
