libsndfile: Can't open anything.

  • I tried to use paplay to test something but that failed:

    LibreELEC:~ # paplay test_mono_44100Hz_8bit_PCM.wav
    sndfile: Bad parameter passed to function sf_command.
    Failed to determine sample specification from file.

    So I collected some wav files around the net and tested them: Same result.

    This is with OpenELEC 7.0.1 on a RPi 3.

  • I readed that, so it would be much better if you tell me what's missing. Anyhow, here every single requested information:

    • Raspberri Pi 3
    • 7.0.1
    • There is no log
    • Try to play any file with paplay or any other tool utilizing libsndfile
    • No
    • video
    • issue
    • Paspberry Pi 3
    • 10858744
    • Include lspci into LibreELEC and I'll give you the output...
    • This is no USB issue. But just in case: 10858745

    Edited once, last by V10lator (May 31, 2016 at 5:27 AM).