7.95.1 not working alsa.conf

  • Hi! In 7.95.1 not working alsa.conf
    In all alpha versions this config a working is good.
    alsa.conf text

    defaults.pcm.!rate_converter "samplerate_best"

    pcm.analog {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "analog-hw"
    hint {
    show on
    description "Analog Output - Use analog outputs, converting samples, format, and rate as necessary."

    # Псевдоним для (конвертированного) смешанного аналогового выхода карты
    # - Это позволит принимать аудио вход - независимо от скорости - и перейти на скорость
    # необходимые для плагина DMIX (в данном случае192000Hz) :
    pcm.mixed-analog {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "dmix-analog"
    hint {
    show on
    description "Mixed Analog Output - Use analog outputs, converting samples, format, and rate as necessary. Allows mixing with system sounds."

    pcm.digital {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "digital-hw"
    hint {
    show on
    description "Digital Output - Use digital outputs, converting samples, format, and rate as necessary."

    pcm.mixed-digital {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "dmix-digital"
    hint {
    show on
    description "Mixed Digital Output - Use digital outputs, converting samples, format, and rate as necessary. Allows mixing with system sounds."

    pcm.analog-hw {
    type hw
    card 0
    device 0
    format S32_LE
    rate 192000

    pcm.digital-hw {
    type hw
    card 0
    device 1
    format S32_LE
    rate 192000

    pcm.dmix-analog {
    type dmix
    ipc_key 1234
    slave {
    pcm "hw:0,0"
    period_time 0
    period_size 1024
    buffer_size 8192
    format S32_LE
    rate 192000
    channels 2

    pcm.dmix-digital {
    type dmix
    ipc_key 1235
    slave {
    pcm "digital-hw"
    period_time 0
    period_size 1024
    buffer_size 8192
    format S32_LE
    rate 192000

    pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave {
    pcm multi
    rate 192000
    format S32_LE
    ttable.0.0 1.0;
    ttable.1.1 1.0;
    ttable.0.2 1.0; # front left
    ttable.1.3 1.0; # front right
    hint {
    show on
    description "Default - output using Mixed Analog AND Mixed Digital"

    pcm.multi {
    type multi
    slaves.a.pcm "analog-hw"
    slaves.a.pcm "dmix-analog"
    slaves.a.channels 2
    slaves.b.pcm "digital-hw"
    slaves.b.pcm "dmix-digital"
    slaves.b.channels 2
    bindings.0.slave a;
    bindings.0.channel 0;
    bindings.1.slave a;
    bindings.1.channel 1;
    bindings.2.slave b;
    bindings.2.channel 0;
    bindings.3.slave b;
    bindings.3.channel 1;