Shutdown RPI with another RPI

  • Hey,
    Just a quick question.

    My Setup consists of 2 Raspberry Pis one with Libreelec and one with Openmediavault as my Network Storage.
    I am looking for a way to send a simple shutdown order to the RPI wit OMV when i shutdown my Libreelec System.

    The Reason is quite simple that both of the PI´s are attached to the same Power outlet with a switch that i turn off over night (the whole media System)
    If i just switch the power of and back on again the OMV System doesn´t start normally cause the SD card gets corrupted.

    I hope you guys understand what i am trying to archive here

    Edited once, last by cha0skind (May 27, 2016 at 4:37 PM).

  • Hey,
    Just a quick question.

    My Setup consists of 2 Raspberry Pis one with Libreelec and one with Openmediavault as my Network Storage.
    I am looking for a way to send a simple shutdown order to the RPI wit OMV when i shutdown my Libreelec System.

    The Reason is quite simple that both of the PI´s are attached to the same Power outlet with a switch that i turn off over night (the whole media System)
    If i just switch the power of and back on again the OMV System doesn´t start normally cause the SD card gets corrupted.

    I hope you guys understand what i am trying to archive here

    You could try adding something like "ssh OMVusername@OMVIPaddress 'sudo shutdown -h now' &" to a file. Barring that, I haven't actually done anything with this for quite some time, but it should still work... I created an addon a while back to be able to turn my debian home server on/off with an addon. GitHub - Dalton63841/script.nas.power: Kodi addon to control a home server/NAS It does require passwordless ssh-key login to be setup though. I'm not sure how that works on OMV.

    Edited once, last by Dalton63841 (May 27, 2016 at 7:22 PM).