Official Raspberry Touchscreen

  • Good morning Community,

    yesterday, I installed Libreelec for my Raspberry Pi 2 with the official touchscreen.

    As I changed the screen rotation in the config.txt and reboot, the touch wasn´t anymore recognized.
    I tried a hard reset, but the touch won´t work ether.

    As a last try, i reinstalled a fresh and clean libreelec and the touch was recognized till I reboot the Pi. After a reboot, I can´t use it anymore.

    May some of you can help me to get the touch functionality back to work after reboots.

    EDIT: I forgot to say, that the intsalled libreelec was the latest stable from the Downloadpage

    Edited once, last by ToemToemGo (May 21, 2016 at 9:24 AM).

  • Hi,

    i've experienced the same issue and reproduced it simply by reflashing LibreELEC.
    At first bootup everything works fine (touch inputs are recognized). After connecting to a wireless network and activating SSH I rebooted the system. After that (several updates are installed and) touch control doesn't work anymore.

    My setup:

    I've read here that during some update processes, display drivers might be accidentally overwritten.

    Any hints would be much appreciated. Let me know if you need more detailed information.

  • Output of ls /flash

    Output of ls /flash/overlays

    ls: /flash/overlays: No such file or directory
  • Looks like there is an issue with the current img files on the download page (the tar files are okay) which is causing this.
    I'll post when fixed builds are ready.

  • To fix it, you can ssh in, delete all the *.REC files, and get the overlays folder from the tar update download to scp into the /flash directory. I don't use the touchscreen, but that's how I fixed my botched img install.