Tvheadend nightly builds for LE

  • It's the same like in earlier RPi4 LE versions - you need to install Tvheadend add-ons (Services-Tvheadend Server 4.2 or 4.3(Alpha) and PVR_clients-Tvheadend HTSP Client)

  • It's the same like in earlier RPi4 LE versions - you need to install Tvheadend add-ons (Services-Tvheadend Server 4.2 or 4.3(Alpha) and PVR_clients-Tvheadend HTSP Client)

    I did install both: Services-tvheadend 4.1 stable and client on Le12 nightly, entered config at http://libreelec:9981/ but under Settings>DVB>TV Tuners, my PI DVB Tv tuner hat does not appear.

    Shall i add any dtoverlay for the tv hat?

    I entered dtoverlay=rpi-tv in confix.txt but I can't see the tuner in the web app.

    Edited once, last by wyup (June 26, 2023 at 9:15 PM).

  • I did install both: Services-tvheadend 4.1 stable and client on Le12 nightly, entered config at http://libreelec:9981/ but under Settings>DVB>TV Tuners, my PI DVB Tv tuner hat does not appear.

    Shall i add any dtoverlay for the tv hat?

    I entered dtoverlay=rpi-tv in confix.txt but I can't see the tuner in the web app.

    Does it show in LE11 without any overlays?

  • Does it show in LE11 without any overlays?

    I tried stable Bullseye 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS without overlays, according to tv hat official guide, but I seem to have a problem recognising the Sony tv tuner chip:

     [   11.192689] cxd2880: cxd2880_attach: chip id invalid.

    I'm following advice on this post now:

    June 27, 2023 at 8:14 PM