RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)

  • Is anyone else having issues running psx on a rpi3?

    Every other emulator runs fine, however psx rearmed just lags, audio stutters and runs very slow in general. Have tried a handful of different bios files and no difference. Very strange. Recalbox and Retropie on the same system runs absolutely fine.

    Edited once, last by kall (May 1, 2017 at 6:42 AM).

  • The command to launch Spotify was exactly what I came looking for. This is perfect - thank you!
    Sorry if this is a silly question, but does anyone know how to open a specific webpage?

    Can you pass a parameter to one of the addons using xbmc.executebuiltin(RunScript(script[,args]*)) ?????

    Edited once, last by martinconroy (April 28, 2017 at 4:18 PM).

  • Does anyone use the Steam Controller with their RPi?
    It works to set it up in Kodi, mapping it against a Xbox360 profile.
    But when I enter the Emulator the controller doesn't work anymore.
    Is there a way to get the Steam Controller working in the Emulators?

  • Hi all,

    Having issues getting psx games working, just getting a black screen when launching games (default Mednafen core).

    Can someone please take a look at my retroarch.log to see if there's something config/bios/vga related?

    Thanks :)

  • New build 20170503:

    Dolphin issue should be fixed now.

  • Yes, although it would require (a lot?) more work. You would need multilib versions of gcc, glibc and every library that PCSX2 depends on + the libraries that those libraries depend on. It would beef up the size of the image as well. These changes would probably not be accepted by LibreELEC upstream, as I doubt they would want to support 32 bit on 64 bit just for the sake of PCSX2. There's no hope of the PCSX2 devs porting it to 64 bit either, and I can't get it running in Docker (can't get it to open ISO's, most likely using some 32 bit kernel call that is not supported in Docker).

    Hi escalade and thanks for your work.

    I don't know if you are still interested in pcsx2 inclusion but for the iso loading the kernel build option to load isos is this: at master · LibreELEC/ · GitHub

    It needs to be set to y.
    It could also be upstreamed, since I believe it adds only 7kb to the image and has no other implications.

  • Thanks for the build!

    Only issue I'm having is getting Genesis roms working.
    I'm using the default Genesis Plus Gx emulator. When I launch roms, it goes black screen for a second or two, then reverts back to the rom menu.

  • "retroarch on libreelec" in google search gives you Gamestarter on first place.

    i like this "full" build better though

    As I just said, I googled a lot... Gamestarter is only for RPi arch... there're not x86/64 addon solutions for kodi 17 >

    So... I want to install this build as TAR update on my libreelec 8.0.1 (updated with TAR from Openelec 6.0.3), but I have a question: I have tvheadend server running on my libreelec system with an hauppage USB dual DVB-T tuner. Can you tell me if the update with your build compromises the funcionality of the tvheadend service / tuner device drivers ?

    Thank you

  • I updated to the 06 May version by placing the respective x86_64 tar in the update share and now the X server won't start anymore.

    Xorg.log is here: aZTj

    So no nvidia kernel module seems to be loaded. And it also doesn't seem to be on the disk. Note that the target of the nvidia.ko symlink shown below doesn't exit.

    /usr/lib/modules/4.11.0/nvidia # ls -l
    total 2046
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root       1099752 May  6 01:19 nvidia-modeset.ko
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        994840 May  6 01:19 nvidia-uvm.ko
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            18 May  6 01:15 nvidia.ko -> /var/lib/nvidia.ko

    What should I do? Did I botch up the update? I'll gladly provide more logs if needed.

    Edit: Went back to the 03 May update and it works as expected. /var/lib contains all the necessary nvidia and vdpau kernel modules. Seems that something went wrong when updating the kernel to 4.11 for the latest release?

    Edited once, last by Slurp (May 7, 2017 at 8:50 PM).

  • Not sure what went wrong there, as I didn't make any changes to the driver other than adding the 4.11 patch. /var/lib is supposed to be populated by /usr/lib/xorg/xorg-configure, you can look at the script to see what went wrong. From the build directory, it looks like the driver is in place:

  • Hey, I might be misunderstanding this, but I flashed this onto an SD card and loaded it and none of the additional addons you list in the beginning of this thread are there, its just an empty LibreELEC 8 install. What am I missing?