v7.90.009 - JSON Commands not functioning

  • Using the latest beta I am having problems with LE interpreting JSON commands sent from a remote. For example:

    MYIPADDRESS:PORT/jsonrpc?request={"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "GUI.ActivateWindow", "params": { "window": "videolibrary", "parameters": [ "MovieTitles" ] }, "id": 1 }

    {"error":{"code":-32700,"message":"Parse error."},"id":null,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}

    This happens with many other commands from the videolibrary property - but I have only tested a few of them.

    I downgraded to the stable release and these commands pass just fine.

  • I might be a mile off, but try swapping 'videos' for 'videolibrary'. 'videolibrary' is deprecated in krypton AFAIK - I had to make that change in my keymaps.

  • I might be a mile off, but try swapping 'videos' for 'videolibrary'. 'videolibrary' is deprecated in krypton AFAIK - I had to make that change in my keymaps.

    Spot on! Swapping videos did the trick. Now to update my command set.

    Thanks trogggy!!

    PS - is there some documentation somewhere on the JSON API changes for Krypton relative to stable?