Display LE data on private website

  • Hey guys!

    I'm a programming student from germany and I'm working at a private home project, to learn the basics of web hosting (I'm a beginner in this area).

    What I want to do: Display my movies/tvshows from LE on my website.

    My setup: I'm running apache2 on a RPi 3 and LE on a Wetek Hub (connected to my NAS). All devices are in the same LAN.

    The problem: What is the best way to get the media information, which LE is offering me, in a way I can work with it for my website?

    I tried to connect via php directly to the SQLite datasbase used by LE, but that didn't seem to work. Then I tried to host a mySQL Sever on my RPi 3 and tell LE to store his Informations there, that didn't seem to work either. I'm sure I made mistakes, which could be the reasons nothing worked.
    But before I'm diving deep into a particular, possible, solution, I would love to ask, which is the best way to achieve my goal?
    Can I access the SQLite database directly, do I have to make a new database? Do I have to do something else?

    I hope it is okay asking such questions here. I completely understand that newbie questions can be annoying. But you don't have to explain anything to explicit, if you don't want. Just a hint in the right direction would be awesome :P

    Thank you for your time :D

  • Have you tried to enable the built-in webserver with the new web interface Chorus2 ?
    You will get all your movies and tv shows on-screen in your web browser, and more.

    Project finished. :)

  • You will get all your movies and tv shows on-screen in your web browser, and more.

    Especially "and more" :D. Everyone, who visits the website, is able to controll Kodi :D

    The JSON API might be better for this ;). Not 100% sure how vulnarable this might be from the web. Thinking about some IDS. But not very good at this.

  • Have you tried to enable the built-in webserver with the new web interface Chorus2 ?
    You will get all your movies and tv shows on-screen in your web browser, and more.

    Project finished. :)

    Well, that would be too easy, wouldn't it? :)

    My goal is central Web-Dashboard, which can show me all my media, not only Kodi related stuff, but for example my digital comics, too.
    But more important than the result is the way I have to go to achieve it. I want to learn working with html/css/php/sql/api's, etc. in a practical way.


    That could be a good starting point :
    JSON-RPC API - Official Kodi Wiki

    Thank you, I will try this way :)



    Everyone, who visits the website, is able to controll Kodi :D

    I only want to get information from Kodi, not to change it.

    Edited once, last by nativesys (December 13, 2016 at 1:46 PM).