Good morning all,
I have had an instance of Jellyfin running on a home server for some months, and used a laptop to watch media during my business trips with access over tailscale. Anyway, I wanted to set up the (2016) smart TV to watch films and shows, so I put LibreELEC on a RPi4 I had available. After a false start due to a non-functioning cable (now cut in two and thrown away), I went through the process of setting up Kodi to access the Jellyfin server. I had a challenge getting the repository setup, but once resolved, everything integrated smoothly. To control the setup, I put the kodi remote on my phone - again - everything worked as expected.
My wife was out yesterday afternoon, and I was out in the evening. I had left the TV turned off, but on the input from the RPi4. When I returned home, I found my wife watching a film, and congratulating me on getting it all going. What blew my mind, you might ask. Well, she was controlling the selection and playback with the normal TV remote. How does that happen???!!! Is there a connection from the TV back to the RPi4 through the HDMI cable? Is this Anynet+ in action? I am amazed that this is all working, without any setup on my part!
I want to congratulate and thank the developers of LibreELEC, Kodi and Jellyfin for creating and sharing wonderful, professional software. You all rock!