Can't install latest stable version on Odroid C2

  • Hi guys,

    I'm not sure I understand the section on board images correctly but apparently writing


    or even


    on the SD card and turning on my Odroid C2 is not enough, it does not boot. What am I missing?

  • Thanks, chewitt, that did the trick. However, what version of Kodi is this, 22.0? I'm getting no internal SRT subtitles when playing back the exact same MKV from my SMB share that are shown just fine in Kodi 21.2 on my CoreELEC player. I really like the stream selection button that in the lower bar but when I select the sub stream, it still won't get shown.

    EDIT: Played back the same file locally, still no subtitle shown.

    Edited once, last by tecc (March 10, 2025 at 10:25 PM).

  • The lack of subtitles is a known issue in K22 caused by shader optimisations in Kodi, it's been flagged to @sarbes who is the Kodi dev responsible for that. To downgrade to K21, download the 12.0.2 .tar file to /storage/.update, stop Kodi, remove /storage/.kodi, then reboot to perform the update.

  • Sorry, but where do I get this tar file? Is it also a known problem that the USB ports do not work? When I plug in an USB flash drive nothing happens. When I boot from my Coreelec SD card on the same hardware, the flash drive is recognized and I can play back the files on it. Thx!

  • Right, so I've found the tar file here and did the downgrade which worked fine, now the subtitles are shown again when playing back files from my network share. However, when I plug in a flash drive into any of the 4 USB ports of the Odroid, it's not being recognized and I can't play back files locally. How come?

  • Please test the C2 image from my test share again. I'm guessing at the issue, but the image reverts an upstream kernel change that might be responsible for USB issues. Let me know.

    EDIT: it may simply be CONFIG_USB_ONBOARD_HUB being dropped in the switch to CONFIG_USB_ONBOARD_DEV when we've rebased against Linux 6.10 and the kernel defconfig being missed since then.

    I've updated the images in the test share to (re)enable that. Please see if it works?

  • Thanks chewitt, I've just tested it and it works, here are my observations:

    • local playback from USB flash drive works fine - great!
    • rebooting the system via Power > Reboot does not work, the screen stays black, I don't even see the LibreELEC logo; I have to unplug the Odroid to do a fresh boot
    • subtitles are not being displayed (known issue in K22 as you've mentioned above)
    • forced subtitle flag is ignored, the regular German sub is selected instead, most likely cause I've set my Kodi to German;
      (this issue may be related to the one listed above)
    • how come neither Settings > System Info nor Settings > LibreELEC mentions what version of Kodi is actually running?
      I see LibreELEC 12.80.0 but not that it's Kodi 21.2 - I find that strange
    • NTP time server selected on first boot does NOT show up under Settings > LibreELEC > Network > Time server
      I have to manually add it there again
    • during initial setup I switch the system to German, however, Settings > LibreELEC > System > Keyboard still shows 'us' instead of 'de', and Settings > User Interface > Regional > virtual keyboard is still set to QWERTY instead of QWERTZ. Even after having done so the English layout is still active, I get Y when I press Z and so on. Weird.
    • despite all devices on my network being members of the same 'workgroup', I cannot access my desktop's share by its name but I have to add the source via IP instead

    BTW, would an update via putting a tar file to /storage/update have worked as well? Also, is there a way to mount the contents of an IMG file (on Windows)? I've tried mounting your image in Virtual Clone Drive but it did not work. 7zip shows

    0.fat 536.870.912
    1.img 33.554.432
    2 1.048.576

    but I don't know how to access the files in 0.fat.

    Edited once, last by tecc (March 12, 2025 at 12:01 PM).

  • Thanks for confirming. I'll work up enthusiasm to push an update to LE12 to enable that kernel module. I'll avoid the tempatation to bump the kernel as I haven't tested/booted LE12 for some time now.

    In attempting the long list of Qs:

    * I've not seen reboot issues for a while, although I use an eMMC module for testing not SD cards. I'll add a card check to a to-do list of things, but I caution that I'm often rather slow at ticking items off the list.

    * Known issue with subtitles. I'm told it's a problem with lima/Utgard and needs something fixing in mesa, which is taking time.

    * No idea but probably a Kodi issue not a LibreELEC issue.

    * System Info page clearly shows K22 and the build details (bottom of the page) using the default Estuary skin.

    * No idea about NTP issues, I've never needed to change the defaults.

    * LE settings changes the OS keyboard (console etc.) not the Kodi UI keyboard in Settings > Regional > Virtual Keyboard Layouts.

    * If you want name resolution to work without DNS, configure /storage/.config/hosts.conf as you would /etc/hosts.

    * Yes, putting .tar or .img.gz in /storage/.update will work.

    * The .img is a standard USB/SD card image. Most Windows tools don't understand Linux partitioning schemes well so I'd guess VCD is just another one to add to th elist.