MINIX Z100 Is a Dual Screen in clone Mode possible?

  • Hi,

    i have a MINIX Z100 and would use both HDMI Ports for Video Output.

    One HDMI port direct to the TV

    The other one to the AVR and from there to a JVC-N5 Projector.

    I allready have forced the Resolution to 3840x2160@50Hz for both outputs.

    Dual screen is working with this Resolution while booting an the Libreelec logo is on the screen.

    But when Kodi becomes active the second HDMI to the AVR/Projector dosen's show the video, only Sound is working.

    What i'm doing wrong?



  • Kodi does not support dual-screen output on any OS, and does not support mirrored output on Linux without running under some kind of Windowing environment that provides that function; and LE either runs with no windowing environment (Generic) or one that is intentionally the bare minimum to support X11 output (Generic-Legacy). You'll need to experiment with a conventional Linux distro or Windows to have dual-displays working. Or you use some kind of hardware device in the HDMI output chain to switch between TV and Projector, although Kodi only detects the available resolutions and audio capabilities for it's output device (not devices) during startup so unless both devices have the same capabilities, switching the HDMI output between devices post-boot may run into problems.