I have trouble navigating Kodi menus on my Raspberry Pi 4 with my TV remote control. The first problems occured after upgrading to LibreELEC 12.0.1. Ocasionally, the system stopped reacting to my TV remote control. It got worse, when I added a DVB-T receiver to my Sony Bravia TV (about 10 years old). Turning the new receiver on and off helped sometimes.
I had hoped, the problems might have been solved with 12.0.2, but quite the opposite. Kodi was not reacting at all.
I have disconnected all HDMI sources from my TV except the Raspberry Pi. Then I monitored /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log while pressing buttons on my remote control. I couldn't see anything in the log file.
I reinstalled 12.0.1 and the remote was working again. Until the system automatically updated to 12.0.2.
Can anyone confirm this problem? Do I have to change some settings? Can I provide any additional information?