LE krypton builds for Wetek Play

  • Hi,
    Long time user of Openelec. Updated my Pi 1 with Milhouse build of krypton Kodi. Works.... very very well!! Can't find a test build for my Wetek Play.
    Can someone point me to the right direction?

    Edited once, last by linuxmad (May 10, 2016 at 7:23 PM).

  • I compiled a LE8 build. But why isn't the VDR-addon (server) created automatically, like in the OE builds?
    I had to compile it separately with

    PROJECT=WeTek_Play ARCH=arm scripts/create_addon vdr-addon


    But it seems that the WetekPlay is missing a HW-decoder in Krypton ... waiting for a fix from codesnake ;)