Problem with TVheadend

  • I use Libreelec 21.2 with TVheadend 4.3. Everything is currently working. I can record and play, everything is fine. I wanted to delete old channels on TVheadend and add new ones. I can log into the web interface as a normal user. But then I can't change/edit the channel list, for example. I actually created an admin, but I just can't get in. I don't know if it's a mistake on my part, i.e. wrong name/password or a problem with TVheadend.

    The next step is to use ssh to access the Libreelec PC and enter "systemctl status tvheadend.service", and get the answer "Unit tvheadend.service could not be found." How can that be? TVheadend is running and making recordings, all channels are there with picture? What also surprised me is that previously the name and password were entered in the TVheadend add-on, but that has disappeared in TVheadend 4.3?

    So my main problem is how do I get back to the TVheadend web interface as an admin?

    Thanks for any tips

  • Hard to tell what is going on, but if I go to the TVH web interface and click on 'configuration' I can delete channels, scan channels, etc.

    Maybe if you add screenshots, people can help?

  • Quote

    Hard to tell what is going on, but if I go to the TVH web interface and click on 'configuration' I can delete channels, scan channels, etc.

    This is only possible as ADMIN.

    Can I create a new admin in Bash? For TVheadend?

  • Can I create a new admin in Bash? For TVheadend?

    My LE/TVH setup gives me full access by default too. A few ideas....

    Try adding the version number to the TVH service name.

    systemctl status service.tvheadend43.service

    You should get something like this:

    /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend43/bin/tvheadend -B -C -u root -g video -c /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend43

    What command line was TVH started with?

    You can also double-check your service name using:

    systemctl list-units|grep tvh

    If you want to go thermonuclear, you can start TVH without any access control at all, do what you need to do, and then put things back the way they were.

    systemctl stop service.tvheadend43.service

    Run TVH manually without access control (Not recommended for day-to-day use).

    /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend43/bin/tvheadend --noacl -B -C -u root -g video -c /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend43

    Do what you need to do.

    CTRL-C to stop your manual TVH.

    Restart TVH.

    systemctl start service.tvheadend43.service

    You can also stop/start the Kodi TVH service from the Kodi addons menu.

  • This is only possible as ADMIN.

    Can I create a new admin in Bash? For TVheadend?

    ADMIN user (and password) it's a security thing, doesn't exist an easy way to bypas it. The only time when you able to create an admin user, is the first time accesing the web interface. After that only an admin user have right to create another user...

    The "easy" (but long) way is to reset the TVheadend server addon, create again the admin user and make all the settings again...

    OR... you can play a bit to make a backup of the TVheadend server addon data (".kodi\userdata\addon_data\service.tvheadend43" - copy it somewhere), reset/reinstall the addon, make admin user in the web interface, stop the addon (ex. addon settings - disable addon), restore everything from addon data backup excepting the "passwd" folder, reboot, enable... and maybe...