Can't write onto samba share location from other computers

  • Hello all,
    I have a Windows PC, a raspi5 server and a raspi4 libreelec mediaplayer. Because the USB ports on the server are full. I've added it to the raspi4 and made it so it could be connected from other locations via samba. Now, I've managed to connect and mount a thumbdrive on all computers and I can read it as well. However, I cannot write to it.

    In the following locations:

    I've added the following share-description, which is the thumbdrive:

    path = /media/TOSHIBA
    writeable = yes
    browseable = yes
    public = yes

    /etc/samba/smb.conf and /storage/.config/samba.conf.sample do NOT contain the share-description.

    I can't change the mounting options from windows. The fstab from my server-PI contains the following line:

    //dedicatedIP/TOSHIBA /mnt/TOSHIBA cifs username=libreelec,password=mypw,defaults,nofail 0 0

    Is there something wrong with my configuration or is it just not possible to write to a samba share on LibreElec?
    Thank you for taking the time to think about my situation!

  • Code
    path = /media/TOSHIBA
    available = yes
    writeable = yes
    browseable = yes
    public = yes

    See if this ^ works. I've added available = yes as per the default shares we provide. Also note that modern versions of Windows require SMB auth to be enabled.

    NB: The correct way to add the share is to rename /storage/.config/samba.conf.example to /storage/.config/samba.conf and then make changes. You need to reboot to effect the change. This is then copied to /run/samba/smb.conf during boot and used as the active Samba configuration.

  • Thank you for your response.

    I did change the files the way you described. I only mentioned /run/samba/smb.conf because I wanted to share that it got 'configured correctly when the system reboot'.

    I've added the change. If I look in /run/samba/smb.conf now. The TOSHIBA path is displayed twice, like so:

    The other samba shares, from other hard drives that are currently not plugged in, do not show up double.

    It does appear to work now. From the Pi server side I get the error that I need permission from unix user/root to delete certain files. When I try to delete these files via Windows it works nicely. Not really an issue, just something I noticed.

  • If you enable Samba sharing of removable media AND configure samba.conf .. the OS adds a share, and then you manually added the second share. Delete /storage/.config/samba.conf and reboot and it should just work.