LE display freezes at Splash screen booting Pi5, runs fine direct connection to TV, but freezes through Pioneer VSX-32 AVR (Other devices like WD Box have no issues

  • LE display freezes at the "Just enough OS for KODI" screen, when connected through my Pioneer VSX-32 Surround amp. Other devices, like my old WD boxes have no such issue. This issue started with my old Pi4, but, I just gave up on it. Now I have a new 8GB Pi5. Installed LE on an SSD, does the exact same thing (display freezes at the splash screen) If I connect the other HDMI out to another monitor, or to the LG TV, it boots fine, but the TV connected to the VSX-32 will just show a blank screen. This is very annoying, as I cannot use my Surround system, unless I hook one HDMI (from the PI)to the surround system (for the sound output) and the other HDMI directly to the TV for the video stream.

    Like I said, if I bypass the surround system, LE works fine, but fefuses to go beyond the splash screen(The system is running, I can generate UI sounds, just can't see what I am doing)

    Log File: https://pastebin.com/sb0DWDMc

    This is a Brand new Untouched image file from https://releases.libreelec.tv/LibreELEC-RPi5…4-12.0.1.img.gz

    TIA for any insight!!

  • Sorry, I wish to add, I tried to look at the log, and there appears to be at least 2 startups in the log? The initial startup failed to get past a black screen with "LibreELEC (official) 12.0.1" in the top left of the display. (This, even though I was hooked directly to a computer monitor, bypassing my AVR).

    A re-boot (some number of hours later) connected directly to a 1080P Monitor, and LE started up. I enabled Debug Logging, shut down, connected LE to my Pioneer VSX-32 AVR, rebooted, and captured the Log file mentioned in the first post. (Also, in the quoted text)

  • Connect the RPi5 direct to the TV and then run "getedid create" to capture the EDID data on the HDMI connection to file and then (re)configure boot files to use this and ignore the EDID data from the AVR. Then power down and reconnect to the AVR. Now if you power up .. things are working?

  • Ok, I might need a liitle more explanation. I SSH'd into LE, ran getedid create, got a response " successfully installed edid override for HDMI-A-1". I can see that it created "Configfiles/firmware/edid/edid-HDMI-A-1.bin". Now, I have no idea where to go from here?

    So, I re-read your post a few times, realised I was done(I think?), just needed to power down, & connect LE back to AVR, & try it out. I did that, as soon as LE started up, AVR Input switched to "TV/SAT" (Is actually connected to HDMI2). I can set the input back to HDMI2 on the AVR, but it immediately switches input to "TV/SAT" (TV/SAT is an optical input) No matter which HDMI Input I plug LE into, (HDMI1,2,3, or 4) the input switches automatically back to TV/SAT. It makes no difference if I use the remote to switch inputs, or the dial on the AVR, as soon as I select the input LE is connected to , the AVR automatically switches the input to TV/SAT.

    I tried powering down RPi, set AVR input to HDMI2, all good, boot up LE, Get a green screen flash on the TV, then input on AVR switches to TV/SAT.

    Edited once, last by dannyzee: Merged a post created by dannyzee into this post. (September 29, 2024 at 8:43 AM).