LE freezes on Splash screen booting on Pi4 or Pi5, runs fine direct connection to TV, but freezes through Pioneer VSX-32 SS Amp (Other devices like WD Box have no issues

  • Like the title says, LE freezes at the "Just enough OS for KODI" screen, when connected through my Pioneer VSX-32 Surround amp. Other devices, like my old WD boxes have no such issue. This issue started with my old Pi4, but, I just gave up onit. Now I have a new 8GB Pi5. pup LE on an SSD, does the exact same thing (freezes at the splash screen) If I connect the other HDMI out to another monitor, or to the LG TV, it boots fine, but the TV connected to the VSX-32 will just show a blank screen. This is very annoying, as I cannot use my Surround system, unless I hook one HDMI (from the PI)to the surround system (for the sound output) and the other HDMI directly to the TV for the video stream.

    Like I said, if I bypass the surround system, LE works fine, but fefuses to go beyond the splash screen(The system is running, I can generate UI sounds, just can't see what I am doing)

    So, I thought I would just run KODI installed on Rasbian bookworm. It will run in a window, but will refuse to run fullscreen. (Just shows a black screen)

    I think this might be related to the display driver, (as it seems to be not functioning no matter how I try to run it.) I have also tried XBian, it gets past the splash, to the KODI screen, then locks as well.

    I read this on Raspberry Pi forum"Kodi on the Raspberry Pi 4 will only function if you are using the Open Source drivers! This is the "GL (Fake KMS) OpenGL desktop driver with fake KMS" on raspi-config, which is currently the default on the Raspbian images for the RPi 4. If you select the Broadcom/Legacy driver, it won't work!"

    I can see that I am using the broadcom driver, but, have no idea how to change it, or, if changing it is a good idea? (That post was about the Pi4, but, I did have this exact issue on the Pi4 as well)

    TIA for any insight!!

  • Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • LE is almost certainly not "freezing at the splash screen" .. but something prevents it from being able to correctly setup an output display device and thus the boot splash is never overwritten by the Kodi desktop appearing. I have a hunch this is related to EDID data on the HDMI connection (or lack thereof) but a debug log from the RPi will normally allow us to see if that's the issue.

  • You make the pastebin thing seem easy, but the log needs to be split in two, or it exceeds the file size limit, and after I split it, I get this from pastebin

    "Pastebin’s SMART filters have detected potentially offensive or questionable content in your Paste.
    The content you are trying to publish has been deemed potentially offensive or questionable by our filters, because of this you’re receiving this warning.
    This Paste can only be published with the visibility set to "Private"."

    What can I do, as you can not likely see private pastes?

  • LE is almost certainly not "freezing at the splash screen" .. but something prevents it from being able to correctly setup an output display device and thus the boot splash is never overwritten by the Kodi desktop appearing. I have a hunch this is related to EDID data on the HDMI connection (or lack thereof) but a debug log from the RPi will normally allow us to see if that's the issue.

    So, I look in the log, I see " error <general>: [display-info] Error parsing EDID:"

    What can I do about this?