Change 100MB to 1GB on LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64-12.0.1?

  • Hi, Is it possible to somehow change the Ethernet Adapter settings as I only get 100mb instead of 1GB? I have not found any help in the forum for my PC where I have LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64-12.0.1 installed. Kind regards 2469

  • You can use "ethtool" to read and set/force configurations on NICs, but if the connection is not auto-detecting 1Gb speeds correctly the root problem is more likely to be hardware related (cables, ports, etc.) than software. In my professional experience, forcing NIC speeds is rarely the solution and often causes more issues than it solves.

  • You can use "ethtool" to read and set/force configurations on NICs, but if the connection is not auto-detecting 1Gb speeds correctly the root problem is more likely to be hardware related (cables, ports, etc.) than software. In my professional experience, forcing NIC speeds is rarely the solution and often causes more issues than it solves.

    Hello again... Now I have SSH and received this from my ethernet card. I googled your tip and didn't find exactly how to use ethtool, so I ran these 2 codes to get some info.
    1. ethtool eth0
    2. lspci | grabbed Ethernet
    This is what it spit out, is there something I should change or is everything as it should be to max out the connection on my connection:

    07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411
    PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 15)

    Settings for eth0:
    Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
    Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
    100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
    Supported pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
    Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
    Supported FEC modes: Not reported
    Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
    100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
    Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
    Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
    Advertised FEC modes: Not reported
    Link partner advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
    100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
    Link partner advertised pause frame use: No
    Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
    Link partner advertised FEC modes: Not reported
    Speed: 1000Mb/s
    Duplex: Full
    Auto-negotiation: on
    master-slave cfg: preferred slave
    master-slave status: slave
    Port: Twisted Pair
    PHYAD: 0
    Transceiver: external
    MDI-X: Unknown
    Supports Wake-on: pumbg
    Wake-on: g
    Link detected: yes

    Kind regards, Thore from Sweden

  • Speed: 1000Mb/s
    Duplex: Full

    The "ethtool -h" command will spit out all the possible options, but the "100Mb" NIC is running at 1000Mb/s full duplex so the NIC is working correctly at full speed. Note that 1000Mb/s is not the same as 100MB (Mb vs MB).

  • The "ethtool -h" command will spit out all the possible options, but the "100Mb" NIC is running at 1000Mb/s full duplex so the NIC is working correctly at full speed. Note that 1000Mb/s is not the same as 100MB (Mb vs MB).

    Ok and thanks for the fast reply. Before I installed LE on my PC, I ran LE on an RPi4 where I had a local internet speed of approx. 20mb/s. But after the change, it dropped to about 11mb. So I keep looking for the bottleneck…