I have installed LE on my Mac mini and when I press the power button it says booting libreELEC and does a black screen and nothing. But if I use super grub 2 and use the fourth entry being /EFI/boot/bootia32.efi it works and if I choose the second entry being efi/boot/bootia32.efi I get the same black screen
LE won't boot mac mini a1156
Chitou -
September 7, 2024 at 5:51 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
A1156 is an Apple remote model number so it's not clear what era of mac mini you're using, but older ones have flakey EFI support so perhaps look at something like "rEFInd" to help things. Or if super-grub2 works: use it. LE doesn't care what bootloader has been used. NB: You can also test old LE images from https://archive.libreelec.tv/archive/ to see if they boot okay. If they do, install (with working boot files) and then update to current from there.
My bad it's a1176, I tried installing refind but even if it's the first on the boot order the mac just doesn't boot onto it and strait up boots to LE
Ohh.. that's ancient (2006 ish) and the worst era for EFI boot support over USB in Apple firmware. I had a similar era/vintage mini some time ago and it was a complete pig to get Linux installed onto. USB boot was so flakey that I have fuzzy recall of needing to remove the drive and install Linux from a more modern system, then reinstall the drive, then faff about with rEFInd.
NB: Appreciate you have this device in-front of you, but a cheap RPi3B+ board will give a better overall playback experience.