libreElec on X86 with Crestiv Xfi usb 5.1

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  • I haven't used lircd for ages but I think it should still work, just create lircd.conf and lircd_options.conf files in /storage/.config

    See also the info in the wiki…es#lirc-support
    and eg in this thread How do I configure LIRC with changing lirc_option file?

    Note that you no longer need to enable lirc in the settings (as the Wiki states), just creating the files and rebooting will automatically enable it.

    As I never used the alsa_usb driver or the soundcard/remote you mentioned I can't help with that though.

    so long,


  • Thank you 😊

    In that how to it say's something like "the remote key config needs to be in "/etc/lirc.lircd.conf.d" but its not there and i cant create that directory 🤔

    Greetings Th3l0lb0y

  • In LibreELEC all config files are in /storage/.config

    Copy /etc/lirc/lirc_options.conf to /storage/.config and change the driver and device lines

    Then create a file /storage/.config/lircd.conf with the remote key config (the stuff that's stored in RM-850.lircd.conf in the tutorial).

    Then reboot and hopefully it'll work.

    If something went wrong (eg wrong device name - not sure where that hw:551 in the tutorial comes from) check with systemctl status lircd (or journalctl -u lircd) for errors.

    Change the files, then restart lircd with systemctl restart lircd, look for errors again.

    If no errors show up you can check the button/key mapping with irw /run/lirc/lircd.socket

    If that looks fine, reboot and the remote should work in kodi too

    so long,


  • hi thank you :)

    ive done all that you say´d and so far it works if i tipe irw /run/lirc/lircd.socket i see all the comands but then i reboot the system it wont work in Kodi :-S

    did i miss something ?


  • Please post the config files you added and a kodi debug logfile - enable debug logging in kodi, reboot, press buttons on your remote and then upload the logfile (either with "pastekodi" on the command line or with the upload logfile option in LibreELEC settings)

    so long,


    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • Please post the full contents of the lircd.conf and lirc_options.conf files

    pastebinit /storage/.config/lircd.conf
    pastebinit /storage/.config/lirc_options.conf

    so long,


  • Your lirc_options.conf file looks wrong, eg output should be /run/lirc/lircd.socket not /var/run/lirc/lircd - did you use some other lirc_options.conf file as a base instead of the /etc/lirc/lirc_options.conf from LibreELEC?

    As mentioned in post 4 RE: libreElec on X86 with Crestiv Xfi usb 5.1 copy that to .config

    cp  /etc/lirc/lirc_options.conf /storage/.config

    and then change the driver and device lines in the file, then it should work.

    so long,


  • If copy'd that files from the tutorial to .config

    Were should i change the driver and device In that file ?

    The files in that ( are straight from my .config folder

    Cand you explane me were i find the lirc_options.conf from libreelec ? So i can edit that file ?

    Sry i hope my questions aren't to dumb 🥺


  • See post #9. Run the following two commands and then change the driver and device settings in the [lircd] section in lines 11 and 12 of the file

    cp /etc/lirc/lirc_options.conf /storage/.config/
    nano /storage/.config/lirc_options.conf

    The default lirc_options.conf looks like this - don't change anything else, especially not the output setting or it won't work

    so long,


  • Little update bevor my vacation

    The remote works sort of but now i need to find out how to get the buttons to work

    Up down and ok and power are worklich and the rest are not


  • At a second glance I noticed your lircd.conf file uses some invalid/unknown KEY_xxx codes (eg CMSS is completely invalid, everything should start with KEY_, KEY_STOPEJECT should either be KEY_STOP or KEY_EJECTCD etc).

    It's best to change those to the ones directly supported by kodi, see the devinput section of Lircmap.xml…p.xml#L545-L603

    so long,
