Non secure URL for updates ?

  • G'day,

    A bit of a noob,
    LibreELEC (dtech): (Universal_k200_2G.arm)

    Where do I find the location of the URL mentioned below to lessen the noise in the logs?

    Repository add-on uses plain HTTP for add-on downloads in path

    Many thanks


  • Code

    Your next two challenges being:

    a) This file is inside the read-only SYSTEM file that's decompressed to create a virtual filesystem on boot.

    b) This is (pre)compiled Python code, so it's a binary not an editable text file.

    The issue stems from…05/options#L162 and similar config for all the other Amlogic legacy build devices dtech is supporting. It needs to be changed to HTTPS in the buildsystem and then the image(s) recompiled and released to include that change. I'm not sure it's worth the effort just to remove some log noise though.

  • Thank you for the explantion.

    I know it's an olderbox, It was just a "can I do something with this brick".. after some googlin' and tinkering 99% of everything works in the image, so would be perhaps overkill to rebuild just kill noise in the logs, fix the LED colours and 5G

    Mind you, if I get very bored one winters evening....

    I'm still looking at why Airplay from an iPhone (IOS17) is being a pain, It worked yesterday, but not today.... as Tuneblade works everytime from the PC.
