GUI resolution broken/cutted at 1080p

  • when i play 1080p movies (tested with *.mkv and *.iso), the GUI resolution is cut, doesnt proper shows the elements at the edges. the first two photos shows playing 1080p video. the last photo 4k. with 4k movies no issues.

    further, the focused/selected item is more bright, in compare of none playback. the brigtness issue happens at every movie file.

    KODI GUI is set as described in the LE wiki, including whitelist and refresh rate adjust.

  • The correct solution is setting the TV to 'auto-scan' instead of overscanning, but if that doesn't work Kodi has a manual calibration function. Note that manual calibration needs to be repeated for each resolution/refresh combination that you whitelisted (or each combo where the TV shows the problem) by setting the desktop resolution to that combo and then calibrating. Again, the better option is using auto-scan.

  • indeed, the change from 16:9 standard to custom and screen fit: auto was solved the reported issue. thanks!

    did you have an idea/solution about the brightness issue?

  • further, the focused/selected item is more bright, in compare of none playback. the brigtness issue happens at every movie file.

    I honestly have no idea what you're referring to. All I see in the images posted is normal-looking GUI.

    Post images without large white blobs. Unless you're watching pr0n nobody cares what you watch.

  • the first two photos is from GUI after start. the last two ones is when video is playing.

    the selected element, which is blue, is brighter when video is playing.

    is now clear what i want to report or do you see the difference?

  • It's not obvious but I'd guess that you are playing "HDR" media (as I can 4K HEVC in one of the snippets) and this switches the TV into an intentionally brighter output mode. As a direct result the OSD appears brighter too, as Kodi does not support changing the OSD colours to dim/compensate for the increase in brightness.

    Kodi debug log would confirm the media spec.

  • Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • 2024-08-18 09:32:35.378 T:782 info <general>: ----------------------------- -

    note: the pastekodi command upload log with my SSID, router MAC, ... therefore i paste only the kodi.log.

    i performed with the 4 test/sample files from Samples - Official Kodi Wiki

    only at [1] HDR is missing, but it should be or?

    1. (HDR HEVC 10-bit BT.2020 24fps) Exodus Sample.mp4
    2. 4K HEVC 59.940 Broadcast Capture Sample.mkv
    3. HDR10Plus_PA_DTSX.mkv
    4. Hybrid HDR10Plus DV Sample.mkv

    note for '<algorithmdirtyregions>0</algorithmdirtyregions>'

    i have the problem with subtitle stutter, therefore i set this value to 0.

    but it looks like that this problem is not solved, therefore i change 'scaling_governor' to 'powersave', by

    default was 'schedutil'. i'll see with the next movies if still persist.