Auto unmount and remount external drive

  • Hi,

    relatively new to LE and not too much Linux experience.

    I use an Amlogic box, files are on an external USB disk. All devices go through an AVR. When finished with media consumption I switch the power off for all devices.

    Here comes the issue: the LE box boots automatically when I switch on the power. when I did something else in the end, the Kodi box does not receive the CEC shutdown signal when the TV is switched off. So it is still on when I cut the power. It doesn't care to be hard shut off, but the HDD does.

    My idea is to tell LE to unmount the disk when not in use for x minutes and remount on the next action. Is this possible (with an arson)? Or do you have another idea to protect the hdd from hard shut off?

    Thank you!

  • Every time you turn that box off by pulling the plug a kitten dies. Would it not be better to sort that out?

    It's not like it happens often, when I am finished with LE I normally send it to standby like everything else before cutting the power.
    Even if I only use the BDP I normally remember to switch to the LE box and switch it off. So only a moderate amount of kittens will be sacrificed over the years anyway.
    But I am not the only one using the TV and everything else here and I am not slapping a big sticker on the remote or something like that.
    So really I am looking for an elegant solution to protect the disk from accidental hard off.
    I would not be opposed to sending the whole LE to standby after a set period of time if could get it back on with the remote (Flirc).

  • I would not be opposed to sending the whole LE to standby after a set period of time if could get it back on with the remote (Flirc).

    Can't you set that in system > system > power saving?
    Just set power function to 'suspend' and choose a time.

  • When I tried last time suspend wasn't working at all in the amlogic builds and the problem is that the flirc doesn't get power in suspend either, but I will try again. Thank you for your answer!

    EDIT: still like that, so suspend unfortunately is a nogo for me, hence the need to just put the USB drive to sleep. any further ideas?

    Edited once, last by juramusger (December 17, 2016 at 1:39 PM).