Not working "hdmi_ignore_cec_init"

  • I have been struggling with this for several years now.
    As soon as I restart Libreelec on my RPI4, the TV always automatically jumps to the HDMI channel.

    I have already set the following option in config.txt:


    Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem either.
    Adjusting the CEC options in the Kodi menu did not solve the problem either.

    However, I don't want to disable CEC completely as I want to control Kodi with the TV remote control.

  • hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1 is an option for the no-longer-used firmware driver, so the setting will have no effect.

    You need to edit the CEC settings (system/input/peripherals/cec) in kodi.

    Probably disable "switch source to this device on startup".

    However this may (or may not) stop the cec remote buttons from being forwarded.

  • As I have already written, I had already tried various settings in the CEC menu. Unfortunately, these did not have the desired effect.
    I could deactivate CEC once for test purposes, but switching it off permanently is not an option.
    The RPI is permanently on, so it is not pinging the TV by rebooting Kodi.

    It's not related to CEC. Your TV detects RPi as A/V source, and that's the cause of the switch.

    If that's the case, I'll have to live with it.
    Thanks for the feedback anyway :thumbup: