[RPi5] LE 12 Can't See Any LibreElec Add-ons

  • Hello!

    I'm the proud new owner of a RPi5 configured with a small NVMe SSD running LE 12.0.0 freshly downloaded from the 'stable' downloads page.. I'm attempting to upgrade from a RPi3 and LE 9..

    I use the network tools AddOn, specifically rsync to update my media library from my master store..

    I've looked at the thread Add-On Repository Problems 2024/03 post that seems to be pinned, and describes my problem, but I can't seem to find a fix that applies to my situation.

    Fresh install, NTP working fine, date looks good, DNS seems okay, other AddOns working okay, wired Ethernet network. Well, I was surprised I can't find any additional skins as well? I was sort of excited to try some of the more complicated skins that somewhat bog down an PRi3/flash config, but I'm not certain that's related to the missing LE repository..

    Should I perhaps try rolling back to LE 11?

    Thanks so much!

  • Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • I can get to skins now - that must have been about getting all my regional stuff set correctly

    NB: It has nothing to do with regional settings in Kodi, but might have something to do with geo-region as Team Kodi serves content through a network of third-party mirror servers. LE does too, and although our list of mirrors is smaller and less sophisticated than Kodi's, most of our mirrors are also in their list so an issue with a particular mirror (nearest to you is the logic used) may impact LE and Kodi at the same time. Looking in the debug log should show which is being used.

  • Code
    curl -vvv https://addons.libreelec.tv/12.0.0/ARMv8/aarch64/addons.xml.gz.sha256 | paste

    Run that ^ and share the URL

    Note that you MUST run this from the LE device as we filter/drop requests from non-LE devices.

    NB: Unrelated, but it's best to connect HDMI to the socket nearest the PSU connector.

  • This looks relevant:

    2024-06-23 21:22:29.006 T:1175    error <general>: CRepository: failed read 'https://addons.libreelec.tv/12.0.0/ARMv8/aarch64/addons.xml.gz.sha256'

    I do have pihole running in my home, but I checked the logs there and addons.libreelec.tv was and is allowed to resolve.. WHich I can verify with dig:

    When I try just pointing my browser at it, I get nothing back..


    Oh, thanks for the HDMI hint! Totally new to the RPi5! ;)

    Oh, woops! going too fast - missed the MUST RUN from LE device! Give me a moment...

    Edited 2 times, last by mtrcycllvr: Merged a post created by mtrcycllvr into this post. (June 24, 2024 at 5:43 AM).

  • Okay, sorry for the confusion there - i just power cycled, changed HDMI ports and reran - same results:

    getting late for me - need to eat and get some sleep - will revisit this thread tomorrow..

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for the troubleshooting hints, I really appreciate the time and support!



    Edited once, last by mtrcycllvr: Merged a post created by mtrcycllvr into this post. (June 24, 2024 at 5:54 AM).

  • Hello, back at this today and am MORE CONFUSED THAN EVER..

    I have tried the following matrix:

    HW LE vers Kodi LE
    ----- --------- ---- ---
    RPi 5 LE 12.0.0 yes no
    PRi 5 LE 11.0.6 no no
    RPi 3 LE 9.2.8 yes ?? Can see LE repository packages, can't install any?
    RPi 3 LE 10.0.4 no no

    The RPi3 LE v9.2.8 is my existing livingroom media player - working fine AT ONE POINT.. I can tell that because it has a cache of LibreElec repository entries, but when I try to install one, most specifically Network Tools, the install fails.

    So.. I have multiple different pieces of hardware, running multiple existing and newly flashed LE versions and NONE OF THEM can get to the LibreElec addon repository..

    I'm at the end of my rope - I have disabled my PiHole server, but I can't see that was EVER an issue as it's just a DNS resolver and we can tell from the existing logs that DNS resolution is not the problem - I can resolve the IP address of the repositories just fine.

    So what could possibly be going on here? There's nothing special about my router - A Mikrotik RB951. I'm using non-tagged (no vlans) direct Ethernet connections (multiple drops).. Why am I having issues installing packages from the official repositories?

    The fact that my existing installs had cached lists of packages to install shows that it USED to work?

  • Update.. Okay, in a fit of desperation, I rebooted my router. At least some repositories are now working again..

    Why? Not the slightest clue in the world.. My HINT was reviewing the logs and seeing that Kodi was making requests from high number ports vs. just straight from secure http on 443.. Was my router somehow bungling these high port requests? Apparently..

    connect to port 443 from port 45494 failed:

    so, I guess close this thread as 'solved'...

  • I did a little digging on our side this morning. I can see requests in the addons webserver access log from an RPi3 running an old Milhouse image. This is hammering the server with multiple requests/second, which is not normal behaviour and suggests some kind of issue somewhere, but according to the webserver logs we are responding (HTTP 206 status responses). I see no requests from any other device (from the same static IP) and no other HTTP status response codes, e.g. 404's or such, only 206's.

    From what I can see on our end, the issue isn't on our end.

  • Kodi was making requests from high number ports vs. just straight from secure http on 443

    That's normal and correct behaviour. There are muliple processes inside Kodi that might need to communicate to a remote service on 443 at the same time. If only outbound 443 could be used they would all have to queue up and wait for their turn to use the port, and you'd need some clever scheduling code to manage all the requests. If each process communicate outbound on a random port they can all talk at the same time and stuff gets done a lot faster. It's how all modern TCP/IP apps work.

  • the blocking is IP based, so if one device is spamming the repo your IP is banned for x-minutes

    I am VERY interested at a debug log from your Raspberry Pi with LE 9.2, we have several such users that spamming the repo but we have no Idea why this happens. This is likely a Kodi problem, but we have not yet get any useful information.

    To upload the log pls enter at the shell or upload the file itself, it would be very helpful

    cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log | curl https://0x0.st/ -F 'file=@-'
  • Hi CvH!

    Uhm - I THINK I upgraded that 9.2 unit to LE12, and suspect that as a result the logs are toast? Let me look around and see if I can confirm that.. I already dedicated the RPi3 HW to a new task, but I should have another one around here someplace..

    VERY happy to help - I'm sure I can re-create a LE9.2.8 instance and run it through a few addon installs and ship you the logs.

    I'm sort of questioning your logic - I had clearly multiple installs all not working, then after a router reboot, ALL started working, which REALLY implies the issue was here local to me. At least it would appear that way on the surface.

    I will admit that after I "got it working", I ended up with four LE12 instances that I was hitting the repositories pretty hard, and I'm certain in one case I had troubles till the next morning, which supports your "rate limit by IP" statement..

    I should note that I have a business class ISP with a fixed IP to support postfix.. So I get the same outward facing IP address every time and it hasn't changed in man years.

    Give me a bit to rummage around and I'll see what I can send you..



  • VERY happy to help - I'm sure I can re-create a LE9.2.8 instance and run it through a few addon installs and ship you the logs.

    likewise this does not recreates the problem, but you can try :) maybe it is really a addon that is "special" that creates such problems

    we can easily look at the logs if it happens again so if you want to try something just go for it :thumbup: