Nightly Builds Version Whinge

  • Why does latest LE12 nightly (Generic) not include updates to Linux and Mesa?

    I have 3 different model Intel NUCs (8, 11 pro and 12 pro) that all crash to LibreElec boot screen when playing for a few minutes, video or music, on all recent LE12 builds). If I install LE11 no problems. CoreElec on AMlogic no problems. So I presume it’s Linux, NFS or Mesa. Log shows nothing.

  • LE12 branch is on an LTS kernel (Linux 6.6.y) and 6.6.30 is only .2 minor maintenance updates behind, and mesa is on the latest 24.0 release. The general idea of a stable release branch is that you DO NOT chase bleeding edge versions all the time (as the bleeding edge gets bloody) so that's a pretty respectable and "current" position.

    LE13 (master) is ahead and currently running Linux 6.9.y and mesa 24.1 if you think something newer is the magic cure-all for your issue that is presented here with `zero technical evidence. CE also runs a completely different codebase to LE so the comparison is compelling from your side but technically irrelevant from our side /shrug

    Some "pastekodi" debug log files would be a good start.

  • chewitt Thanks for your reply. I now have solved my Intel NUC issues today with latest nightly and changing my NFS chunk size and Cache settings. I discovered the cache settings don’t seem to be applied until LibreElec is restarted.

    With NFS and Cache chunk = 128kb, NFS set to v4 and cache size = 192MB I no longer get crashes when playing media or scanning my media into the music library. My NUC11pro with NVME SSD shows CPU at > 200% during the scan with debug enabled which I’ve never seen previously (my network is 2.5GBE, NUC - switch - NAS)

  • If the caching defaults don't work with 2.5GB/1GB Ethernet you need to fix your broken network not fiddle with cache settings. I would remove that to reduce the potential scope of the problem.

  • But same network works with LE11 and CoreElec with Kodi 21 without issues. All 3 of my NUCs using LE12 crash.

    I’m running a Kodi debug session now using my NUC8 LE12.

  • My LE12 crash issues solved. Solution: Do not use Grab Fanart addon in LE12

    I tried to get crash logs on two NUCs but none existed. The other logs show nothing abnormal prior to crashes.

    However, I did notice entries from the GrabFanart addon script just before the crash. I did a search to see if anyone reported issues with that addon and there is a memory leak in recent Python releases due to unsupported code:

    Module "imp" deprecated since Python 3.12 · Issue #12 · robweber/script.grab.fanart
    Since Python 3.12 the module "imp" is deprecated. Now I'm getting this error: 2024-06-05 09:03:19.624 T:1543846 error : EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException)…

    BTW: LE12 crashing with memory full was reported on the Kodi forum, no solution was reported.

    I then deleted Grab Fanart from two NUCs and ran the two movies that crashed last night on each NUC. They both played their complete movie to end with no crashes.

    This also explains why CoreElec Kodi 21 runs (I didn’t install Grab Fanart addon) and LE11 uses an older Python version so Grab Fanart runs without its memory leak above.