How to get started on TVHeadEnd Server

  • I just installed LibreElec. I need to setup PVR server. I have enabled TVheadend in Kodi. How do I configure TVheadend to see my HDhomerun Extended and Prime tuners? Set channels and all that stuff like I did in NextPVR. Please give me direction to appropriate how to as I do not see Wiki on this site. I will read the instructions.



  • First you need the tvheadend backend service, this can be install from the LibreELEC add-ons repo under "services"

    then on another computer (not your libreelec device) open a web browser and navigate to http://<ip-address>:9981 and replace the <ip-address> with the actuall ip address of you LibreELEC device.

  • Thanks for that tip. I got in and ran the wizard. It is now asking for a username and password. I have not added anything. I tried root and libreelec to no avail. Is there a default?

  • Hi guys,
    I have some issues to config IPTV in TVH. After creating network, despite I can see all channels in muxes tab, the services tab is empty and kodi, client side, doesn't show me live tv.
    Could someone help me please?
    Many thanks.

  • I had same problems how to get channels scanned the first time... I got it like this for Astra DVB-S:

    1. log into the tvheadend web GUI from an another device
    2. first check out if your tuner cards are loaded correctly (configuration/dvb inputs/tv adapters): you will see a tree structure with a folder for each device, each device with an LNB (without disec)
    3. do not enable the tuners yet!
    4. go to configuration/dvb inputs/networks and create a network. A network is a DVB Source (like DVB-S from a Satellite): in the popup give it a name (eg "Astra"), a satellite position (Astra 19,2E 1KR/1L...") and add muxes (eg ">19.2E:Astra") for that satellite
    5. go back to the tv adapters tab, click on the entry of the correct LNB (green icon) and assign that network to the LNB (do not forget to click "save"!)
    6. now enable the tuner card of this LNB (one level higher, on the right side checkbox "enable", and "save"!)
    7. this will initiate a scan for channels. Sit and wait. Check the Tab configuration/dvb inputs/muxes for the activity ("pend" means waiting for scan, "active" is the transponder under scanning, "OK" are the finished ones). Check the Services Tab for the populating channels. If all muxes are done, next step
    8. go to the services tab, choose a service (TV Channel like "Eurosport1 HD") and map it to a channel (Entry in your Channels database like Channel Nr. 1, Eurosport HD)

    - if you have more than one tuner or LNB, make sure that the correct one is assigned to the correct network (as I have 2 tuners and two satellite dishes, I had to make a guess first)
    - is the network assigned to a lnb?
    - is the tuner card enabled?
    - is your tuner card supported?

    Edited once, last by kszabo (February 15, 2017 at 9:40 AM).

  • First, thanks for your reply. ;)
    I don't have any tuners, I only care about IPTV.
    In the muxes tab I find all my channels loaded by a playlist m3u, but services tab doesn't show me anything.
    Honestly, I can't guess what is the matter..maybe the issue was that I enabled the IPTV's "tuner" before scanning.
    I'm going to try again on this evening, I'll keep you updated.
    Thanks again.